9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Chelshit also won the CL recently and that doesn't prove shit.

I can't believe that you would compare Real Madrid with Chelsea, knowing the history of the 2 clubs. And even so, Chelsea winning the CL and what they have done since 2004 in CL proves that they are a competitive club in Europe. That plus the money they are offering helps them sign players like Hazard.

If you are to be viewd a competitive, strong and genuine club imo you first got to have your own personal philosphy and then rule the internal competition and the CL for some years like Barca did or less then that but rm won a CL after 12 freaking years finishing 3rd in the internal competition and after they spent over a billion in transfer fees only.

RM's philosophy is to win trophies and is as good as any philosophy..and in the previous CL win they have also finished 3rd, but I don't think that it bothered them too much.

They don't have much to offer in terms of true values at that club because they are just a bunch of mercs down there imo.

Like I said, Barca pays similar salaries so I don't see why we should atack RM for the money they spend on players.

He bit Chiellini lol

Really? :lol:

Just now I was reading the previous pages and I found this comment:

He's a changed man , he's matured at Liverpool . He wasn't involved in any unsavoury incidents in the last 12 months or so .
I'm prepared to give him a break as he's been the best player in the World for at least 12 months maybe longer - IMHO.

I guess he is as changed as Cristiano was after he won the BdO.
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New member
You guys seriously have some messed up logic...

only because we are linked with him all of the sudden Suarez is more then welcome to do this.
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