You're welcome
He's just trolling. I very much doubt it's normal in sanitized place like Netherlands either.
No Bojan, I am not trolling.
I didn't say it was appropriate. But it happens frequently. Maybe The Netherlands looks 'sanitized' compared to other countries but centres of major capitals are still pretty much littered. We actually have an event in the Netherlands called 'luilak' where kids go out late at night and they pull of shenanigans.
Police building windows will be besmeared with thrown eggs and other stuff, or they simply get smashed by thrown rocks.
In the case of Lewandowski it actually says he just threw yoghurt and banana's at their premise. How daring to throw a banana peel at a cops parking lot.
I dunno...seems a pretty low-risk thing to do. Worse-case you get a fine.
Sure maybe Lewandoski was a rascal during his youth, but everyone I know has a couple of crazy stories froom their childhood. Your younger years is the time to make mistakes and learn from them.
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