True. But he is still young. Under right guidance, he will improve on that.Not Nunez, he's shite in front of the goal, even shittier than prime Sanchez![]()
Hope they give him the 2020 Ballon D'or one day.
Deserves that Ballon D'or.
The only award he should receive is the award for the most useless, overrated, egotistical pile of dog poop in football.Hope they give him the 2020 Ballon D'or one day.
Deserves that Ballon D'or.
If he didn't improve enough under Klopp I'm afraind he might never improve.True. But he is still young. Under right guidance, he will improve on that.
True. But he is still young. Under right guidance, he will improve on that.
How often do strikers develop into becoming clinical monsters?
Very rarely.
Nunez is always going to be like this. That's not even taking into account the low IQ shit he does on the pitch like the pass he played vs. Man Utd in his own half.
when did this happen?My prediction for next game:
Yamal will go solo and waste 5-6 shots.
Rafinhia another 4-5 wasted shots.
Cancelo another 2-3 wasted shots.
Felix another 2-3 wasted shots.
A few birds will be killed.
Lewandowski gets 1 chance and fails to convert.
Barcelona loses.
Lewandowski is blamed for the loss. "ITZ ALL HIZ FAULT"
However, "Yamal played a great game, what a talent"
Hope they give him the 2020 Ballon D'or one day.
Deserves that Ballon D'or.
No reason not to give the award in 2020 even with Covid and such
Give up Fati, Lewy even said 2021 belongs to Messi.should have gave 2 ballon dors in 2021, the one for 2020 and one for 2021
his 2020 year was insane and deserved a ballon dor![]()
Give up Fati, Lewy even said 2021 belongs to Messi.
sorry for misunderstanding you, I agree with you in this case.Dude you understood it wrong, i meant they should have given Lewa the 2020 ballon dor when giving Messi the 2021 ballon dor
(sry for bad english)