I poorly translated a big part of his interview on Canal +. I couldn't wait for proper translation. Sorry for quality of article, I'm using some web translators - don't know a word of spanish
"Samuel Eto'o assures that "I should never imagine that my exit of the Barcelona would be so hard. There have been a lot of injustices. The law of the soccer indicates that you have to go away of a place when your yield is not good. If it had been like that he would have accepted that they were changing to me, but mine was more than good". "When it was said that I I had to go away from the club: how many teammates went out in my defense? Not just as a football player, but because they knew me day after day", the Inter Milan ace has reflected on an interview in tv show Informe Robinson of Canal Plus
"Since I went out of Barcelona I took the decision not to say anything that could affect the feelings of my former partners because I want them gain everything. But I am disappointed by many people. If I say two, they will point at Pep and (Laporta, but there are many other persons inside this club with whom I have been disappointed", 9 that it has been vital in the conquest of the last two Champions Leagues stated
"If you are a man you say it to the face: ' Here we are, this is my way, my point of view and point'. But to find out from the press of everything that had happend... The way that was acted about my status have been almost scared. With something to hide. Like that they had decided it many months earlier", remembers Eto'o.
"With Laporta... he knows. I will never allow myself to say to a camera everything what I can reproach him. The last time that I spoke with him I said to him that he would never be disappointed and I will always defend him. Neither Laporta nor Pep are the only ones that decide. There are others who hide and decide, but I am never going to name them. They have been always hidden", has told the Cameroonian to Michael Robinson.
"I have played with many players but I have played only with three phenomena. Ronaldinho, Andrés Iniesta and today, I Messi. Ronaldinho in his moment was impressive. When we were going out from the tunnel of Nou Camp I was saying to him: "Black, we are going to arm it". And he was saying to me: "You only run, you will always receive the ball". It is a pity to all see him so often suffering, but that does not remove what it has done. Thanks to him the illusion returned to the Barcelona and he is with the few ones that have marked the history of the soccer and of the Barcelona", said Eto’about 'Ronnie'
In his memoirs there are chapters that it has underlined. "Rijkaard in his moment was the best trainer which Barcelona could have the. But after so many victories he could not punish us because it was hurting him. We often abused his confidence", he indicated."
Source: Mundo Deportivo
Cheers for that Monte