i never been a huge fan of etoo but for some reason watching some old videos i suddenly miss him.. just the understanding he had with messi and xavi is something ibra dosent seem to be developing despite being a better footballer in terms of skill
Nonono it could take Ibra 5 years, he'll never be the worker Eto'o was.I guess it all comes down to work rate, and that Ibra has been here 6 months and Samu was here 5 years and was experienced in La Liga... But yeah, it's always nostalgic when I remember a player that gave so much to us...
I really really miss Eto'o, I never really liked Ibrah evan if im from sweden and all. For me Samu is and have been since the first time i saw him play 2004 the best striker in the world.
There is one thing that i miss in the today barca game that we had last season and that is the pressure we were giving or opponents when they had the ball, we still do it but not evan close to how much we did it last season. The hugh diffrens i think i Samu, I mean today we don't have a leder like him in the forward line. It's the forwards that need to start the pressure, and it was always eto'o who did that, and everyone followed witch ment the opponents never got time to rest. Now it's often they get to much time on them we don't do the pressure like we did before..
And then I miss Samu for all his goals, for his jokes, for his har work and for his way of being a lion. He was my first favourit player who I Idolised in Barca when Larsson had left the club. My first and second Barca shirt had the name Eto'o 9 on the back. For me he will always be the best striker I ever seen, no one can change that!
But I don't care he left because I still love barca and will always do, it was the same way when Larsson left.
Was it your way of advertising your blog here?jk
I miss Samuel Eto'o!!! After 27 games last season in Barca he had scored 22 goals!!! After 28 games Zlatan have played this year for Barca he has only scored 15 goals!!!
I belive and have always done that Samu is better than Zlatan and look at all statistics.. Samu has the best! Last season we scored alot of more goals.. it's not messi that have start scoring less, it's not the other players that score less it is Zlatan who score less than eto'o did!!!
Is it just me or isn't it funnyer to watch a game where we score alot? And is it just me that think we played better with Eto'o? We had a better defensiv play then better pressure, he started it all up front and everyone joind the press.
I just think it's sad that we did that change.. I now you always need to change somthing but that was the wrong thing to change!