Again this is not about Ibra (who isnt a goalscorer like Eto'o)... I would never put Eto'o and Ibra in the same setting if I were to play FM or if I were to manage them as a trainer.
Its not about pace either because Di Natale who is a fast striker like Eto'o and a goal scorer like Eto'o is banging goals like a madman.
Again with kindergarten.. I did not say one can rate Ibra early. There is something as rating someone for his form and rating someone on his long term contribution. Had you had any interest in a thread instead of the usual hate/bashing with flawed stats you would have read my post
if thats the case, then i would like to see you complain a little bit less when it comes to posting in the Ibra thread because that says a completely different story?
Atleast, I am consistent and own up to my mistakes.