:party1: ps: we need a song smiley There is a song smiley :song:
F Flavia Guest Dec 28, 2013 #2,521 NeyMesSis said: arty1: ps: we need a song smiley Click to expand... There is a song smiley
B Behrox Vice President of FC Barcelona Dec 29, 2013 #2,522 Flavia said: There is a song smiley Click to expand... I think he means with a little more swag in it like Alves
Flavia said: There is a song smiley Click to expand... I think he means with a little more swag in it like Alves
Galning Moderator Dec 29, 2013 #2,526 I was going to say that it looked quite alright for a Song outfit. Then I noticed the pants.
N Neal Faradinho New member Dec 29, 2013 #2,528 FFS, that has to be photoshopped, no way a man can dress like that.
Agri New member Dec 29, 2013 #2,531 catalinutzR80 said: Click to expand... Did we sign up Samuel L. Jackson?
Z zanela Senior Member Dec 29, 2013 #2,534 sailor said: Après tout, Song est un type très sympathique !! Click to expand... sauf son sens de la mode.
sailor said: Après tout, Song est un type très sympathique !! Click to expand... sauf son sens de la mode.
Antimadridista1 New member Dec 29, 2013 #2,535 zanela said: sauf son sens de la mode. Click to expand... Cela reste original, n'est-ce pas ? Les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas comme on dit.
zanela said: sauf son sens de la mode. Click to expand... Cela reste original, n'est-ce pas ? Les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas comme on dit.