Alexis Sanchez



He's the most frustrating Barca player ever. We could do much better..


Staff member
That's harsh. Don't know how long you've been following Barca but there were far worse signings.


New member
You can't bash him because of goals, He was never a goal scorer, You can check his history with clubs and national team, It's very mediocre, Barcelona didn't sign him to rely on his scoring abilities, But because of his ability to cause havoc with defensive lines with his movements, So Messi, Our full backs and attacking midfielder have more space, And pedro does the same thing as alexis.


New member
The problem is the only good things he is doing are off the ball runs and good work rate. He never scores or even shoots, he rarely takes on his man, always passes back, and dives at the faintest of touches. He needs to get it together or there is no reason to keep him.


New member
You can't bash him because of goals, He was never a goal scorer, You can check his history with clubs and national team, It's very mediocre, Barcelona didn't sign him to rely on his scoring abilities, But because of his ability to cause havoc with defensive lines with his movements, So Messi, Our full backs and attacking midfielder have more space, And pedro does the same thing as alexis.

I thought he would be good for 15 goals a year type player. He got 15 for us last year somehow. This year on pace for 2 goals isn't going to cut it though. He will need to improve his passing drastically if he isn't going to score.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
So, let's say that for some reason he manages to score 15 goals by the end of the season, and also manages to keep the work rate and off the ball movement he's shown so far... Would you be satisfied?


Well-known member
Alexis is fighting with the ball to much and cant convert the chances he gets into goals.
His off the ball movement and workrate are great though, I hope he improves eventually.


New member
So, let's say that for some reason he manages to score 15 goals by the end of the season, and also manages to keep the work rate and off the ball movement he's shown so far... Would you be satisfied?

You are missing the point. If he scores 15 goals then he is making a good contribution. But his lack of goalscoring isn't the problem as such.

The problem is his lack of everything. Right now he is not scoring, not assisting, not passing well, not dribbling well and seems to have very little confidence.

Furthermore he is doing all does while Villa and Tello ( both performing quite well ) sit on the bench watching Sanchez fall over when someone breathes on him.


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