Alexis Sanchez


Senior Member
he had 3 goals in el clasicos

Thanks, I wans't sure and I've corrected it :p There must be then three moments of pure joy Alexis gave to me. Thanks dude and hope he'll get better at Arsenal!
The transfer fee Arsenal pay for Chilean forward Alexis Sanchez is 38M fixed, plus 4.5M incentives, who are easy to obtain. [lv esport3]

Still a very good deal by Barca though because of what I've seen and read the player was forced to go and the price is fair for the value player has, no more, no less but I think he'll fit way better into Arsenal system than he did in Barca's.
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The Culest
In honor of @serghei, @Trickykid, and their fellow Alexis-defense squad members, I shall write a grand eulogy in memory and tribute of Jugadorazo:

O Alexis! my Alexis! your time at Barca is done.
Some here praised you as a God, yet for others you were shunned.
The end is here, that much is clear, some Cules are truly fuming.
Thine heart lies with The Gunners now, where your talents will be blooming;
But O heart! heart! heart!
Seen as lovable or misbegotten.
Yet in spite of thy many slips and misses,
You are gone, but never forgotten.

O Alexis! my Alexis! Go forth and do succeed.
Rise up-for you the flag is flung- for you can now be freed.
For you, the damsels cry in want- for you, the Brits a-crowding
For you they call, the hero of Chile- their eager faces turning
Here Alexis! dear Alexis!
Many tears will be shed.
We mourn your loss as you no longer,
Don the blue and red.

*Alexisized revision of ‘O Captain My Captain’ by Walt Whitman

Alexis came to be one of our own over the years. He gave us moments of great joy with the Jugagolazos against Real Madrid and Atletico, coupled with moments of great frustration such as the spell in 12/13 where he resembled a lost puppy that couldn't score to save his life. Ups and downs considered, he never failed to give it his all. I think I speak for a great many of us here in that the quality I'll miss most about Alexis is his character. It was a pleasure to have a player so selfless, progressive, and energetic. It is a shame that your time here was somewhat tainted by mob mentality and scapegoating, but I’d like to think that it was an overall positive endeavor. We thank you for the 3 years you gave to our club and wish you success in sexing it up wherever you may go. Gracias Jugadorazo.

In memory, here are Alexis’s best goals at Barca:

And here is the funniest Alexis video ever made:


:worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


Senior Member
Guys you made me almost feel sorry for his departure, you were good :barca scarf:
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San Claudio Bravo
@sumlit can't you see you're the only one interested in comparing them ? ffs :shakeshead:

Perhaps one day we'll chat and we can talk about history, but i doubt it

I'm not comparing them, your avatar is. You are more than welcome to discuss this with me, perhaps I can show you why that avatar is such an affront to Mascherano.


Senior Member
There is no immense hate for him that I could find here about Alexis just different views on him.
Its true there are plenty of idolizers as well as people who can't stand him.


Recently it was just only 'jugadorazo love' which is more annoying than the hate.


Senior Member
You're clearly new here.

Not really. The joining date is always misleading on these kind of forums. I was lurking BF for a few years until I made my account in order to express my thoughts. Thus I've been through most part of this thread for a really long time.
Like I said imo we can never state "immense hatred for Alexis" refering as to what had happend in this thread. Ofc there are falks who really can't stand him as well as those which praised him after almost every game he played no matter what... But that was all imo.
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Senior Member
it's not. It's annoying only for the haters like you

I must have told this here a dozen times already.

If you think there are "haters" here keep in mind that there are plenty who also think this place is full of fanatics and and idolizers like you. So there is no point accusing somebody like that unless they keep making you a "hater" or a "fanatic / idolizer"...

It's incredibly annoying. I'm thankful he's finally gone.

I'm also happy he is gone. Both happy for Barca and happy for him. He obviously didin't fit in here. I can't wait to see how he'll play under Arsene and I'll try to watch their games as much as I can because I think he'll have more freedom and more space and, apart from the physical factor, EPL suits him better than La Liga where he had to face almost every single week parked airplanes and very tight defenses and that is one of the reasons he struggled here for so long.

So tell me you little idolizers:troll: am'I a hater too now?:hunt:
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