Hello Andrey. I’d like to ask you an obvious question that you’ve probably heard more than once before. Do you know a football player (who plays football now or played it in the past), who plays (played) football just like you, or a footballer you want to play like? I personally play in David Beckham’s style, I am not his idol, although I like the way he plays. He can kick the ball diagonally 40-80 meters away right at his teammate’s feet, though of course it is not everything he can do. Thanks in advance for your reply! Good luck in the English championship!
Arshavin: You are not Beckham’s idol?
Hello Andrey. My name is Garik. I want to ask you something. I date a girl who is your big fan and admires you very much. She said she’d agree to marry me if I got her a photo, a poster or something like this with your autograph. If it’s not too difficult for you, could you please send me something? I’d be grateful for the rest of my life. Thank you in advance. My address, Stavropol region, Mineralnye Vody Lermontova str., 23.
Arshavin: Are you sure you won’t regret it?
Hello! What shall I do to stop worrying when I come out on the pitch? When I play I often get confused ... I beg you - give me advice !!! You'll help me a lot, thanks in advance and good luck to you.
Arshavin: Stop worrying
My girlfriend has very touching feeling towards your butt, how have you managed to achieve such a result, share your secret, she also likes your arms and legs!
Arshavin: I got it from my parents. Doesn’t she pay any attention to your coxofemoral joints and limbs?
when you where 13 was you fast ?
Arshavin: Yes, and even when I was 7. Fast as a lightning.
Hey Andrey...thanks for this site...i am from India....i love football and play it with my friends in our college ground.......we don't have a coach....so our team dose not do very well in competitions....so, may I ask you how we can work on our teamwork?.....and also could you please tell me how i can improve my finishing?...any special kind of training that i may do..?...thanking you in advance...
yours sincerely.
Aritra Roy
Arshavin:Just hire me and if the contract is good I’ll try to make champions out of you in my spare time
I can run fast.i am a left striker.i run till the end of the field and then what should i do?the other strikers and midfielders dont run as fast as me after reachin there wat should i do?
AA: Just keep on running.
Hi Andrey! I just wanted to ask, if your daughter decided that her dream was to play professional football, would you encourage/support her in this?
AA:I hope it will never happen.

his site is probably the best personal player's site ever.