City are too strong for us. Here is why:
- they have the best player in the world who is not only that but also arguably the best player in the history of the sport, winning 4 consecutive Ballon d'Ors
- they have the biggest prospect in world football who is already on double digits in goals and assists not even halfway through the season supporting this afromentioned player
- their entire squad is plastered with World Cup, multiple Euro Cup and multiple CL winners and a former European Player Of The Year
- they have the experience of 6 consecutive CL semi finals
- they have just set an all time record in their league, staying on top of the table for 54 consecutive match days
- they have lost 1 meaningful game all season
- they are conceding 0.68 goals per game. We are condeding 1.17 goals per game
Sorry guys, but I'm not confident. This is the first time in our club's history we're even making it this far.

But yeah, some people don't know how good we've actually got it, we have 4 players in the starting lineup that can walk into just about any team in the world (Messi, Neymar, Busquets, Iniesta). There is no other team that can boast that, except Bayern perhaps.
The real test is when we actually become a very basic team, it will be interesting to see how fans behave then.
We have a goal difference of +34-Joint best in Europe, lost 2 games all damn season, with 3 of our most important players injured for half of the season so far.
Yet, we are still five points ahead of the bestest team ever in Madrid, and finished our group as leaders and still top of the league, yet we are in trouble against that Man City (whom have been inferior with every single stat I quoted for our team mind you) I tells ya!