my views for about a while now, but I decided to wait at least until after the Clasico to write them, but today just confirmed it.
First off, just give Arda to Liverpool, or swap him for Coutinho in the summer

And buy a fucking actual RB already, Sergi is great, but wasted on RB, he's our best midfielder without Iniesta...i wish to see him play alongside Busquets and Iniesta (Coutinho eventually, if we'd actually were to get him). It might not be the worst idea to SELL Rafinha too, i just don't see him ever being good enough for midfield, while for RW i'd rather have Munir back anyway, or if possible, maybe even Dembele in a few years (that way Munir can play CF, where i think he's better than at RW). Anywhere else, Rafinha can't play, and he's also too injury prone like his brother. I would hate it if he were to go, because he's (unlike Arda) at least fighting for our colors, giving his all every game, but we already have one of those in Roberto, who can actually play in midfield and anywhere else on the pitch too actually.
Meanwhile Gomes, while he look a little awkward sometimes, he does actually shows promise at least, also had a good game today in my book, subbing him off (for Arda of all people) was totally unnecessary and stupid. BUT he's simply too similar to Rakitič and key is to actually play him as such....this midfield with both of them playing just doesn't and won't ever work...we need only one of them at the same time, while the other has to be the more creative type like Iniesta or Coutinho, maybe even Denis against weaker teams.
My perfect midfield in a year or so:
DMF: Busquets (Roberto, Samper?)
RMF: Rakitič, Gomes (Roberto)
LMF: Iniesta, Coutinho, Denis (Roberto).
Denis and Coutinho could also play LW as understudies to Neymar, so that there would be enough minutes for everyone, as in that case we would only have Rakitič and Gomes for RMF, and only one of Coutinho and Denis, plus Roberto for LMF. That way Samper would also get his chances on DMF.
While for RB buy someone like Cancelo or even better, Fabinho. And let Roberto play there only when the 1st choice isn't available), while playing him regularly in midfield, where he can play all 3 positions.