BVB is a pure joy to watch. 4:0 over Essen (is that where you are, instinct?) in half an hour right now.
Didn't know they have "speedy Gonzalez" in German too.![]()
No I live in Hessen

BVB very good
BVB is a pure joy to watch. 4:0 over Essen (is that where you are, instinct?) in half an hour right now.
Didn't know they have "speedy Gonzalez" in German too.![]()
Hummels will be the 1st captain, followed by Weidenfeller and Reus
Woah, I tought that Weidenfeller will take the 1st spot. Hummels is a great option.
What happened to Kehl? Is he still with the team?