I'm really freaking sad about Dortmund. Oh well,it's their own damn fault anyways. Gotze, Lewandowski, Reus, Hummels, Weidenfeller etc, they really had an all-star team that they got for so little money. I still can't believe that they sold Gotze and Lewa to Bayern and that they will probably do the same with Reus. Them letting Lewa go for free to Bayern is probably the worst transfer in history. They are a likable club with likable fans and players, but their board is just as stupid as the Barcelona one

Their board has to roll with the punches financially, it's not like BVB has an economic infrastructure that equals that of the industry giants. Especially the wage structure is relatively low and let's face it, for 99,9 % of players the wage trumps everything no matter how much they allegedly love their club.
Letting Götze leave to Bayern wasn't a shortcoming on BVB's side either: First off, Bayern payed his release clause set at that time to 37 mil. €. If he transfered a year later, the clause would have been lowered to 30 mil € and a year after that to 22 mil €, so financially they got the most out of this transfer. Blaming them for putting that clause in the contract in the first place would be misconceiving the economic reality since there's no way a player like him would be signing a long-term contract without this clause in the first place. This is just how the system works and BVB can't change anything about that.
Lewa transfer was something different since they decided that he fulfilling his contract is worth more than what they can get out of a transfer fee + they also would had to buy a replacement earlier. It's debatable whether that was the right move or not but him transfering was set in stone from the get go, as his lovely agent Kucharski communicated it a thousand times for an entire year.
Reus will also leave, sooner rather than later and that is not BVB's fault as well. It's a small miracle he chose BVB over Bayern in the first place and the only way this could have been accomplished is with a relatively low release clause as well. As low as 25 mil € if Mr. Rummenigge is to be believed. The only thing that might keep him there is the fact that he's injured yet again and potential buyer clubs see him as too injury prone. The chance of that happening is pretty low.
In a nutshell, Dortmund is (was ?) sportive elite, financially they're not hence they're doomed to lose key players and talents on a regular basis. Their board made wise financial decisions at the beginning of the season which I've written about six odd months ago
Dortmund sponsor Evonik have extended their deal with the club. The contract expires 2025 and will bring Dortmund 18 mil € per year plus incentives. On top of that, Evonik bought 9 % of the shares of the BVB PLP which will bring them roughly 25 - 30 mil € on top of that. The BVB PLP also changed their association articles to make it possible to get another external sponsor as well, although it might also be that Evonik acquires this package as well.
The range of the entire deal should therefore equal roughly 300 mil €.
to transform them into a financial elite club with an adequate wage structure but this development will take time and the current slump of their team isn't very helpful.