ze Germans will choke against Spain i am sure of it. Brazil are 4th favs at the moment.
They say this will be a problem of the past now that Bayern won the CL... They say.
As for Löw, I do believe he has taught the team "some football", and I like his philosophy. But he clearly isn't the tactical mastermind he has managed to make everyone believe him to be, me included (which is a bit surprising, given his clownish accent) - maybe his suits, thoughtful facial expression and hairstyle did the job. There were times when the press acted like every setback, every loss was just part of Löw's master plan to suceed big time in the next tournament. (That, or everyone decided to blame the players for some stupid reason, like missing an alpha wolf or not singing the national anthem, lol I say, lol.) This just isn't true, he's probably way more average than everyone believes.
I do believe Germany might win something after Löw retires... maybe with Jupp as a coach?