New member
Sorry for my bad English I am Swiss but my grandfather was a member of Partiti Nationzale Fascista back in the Mussilini days and I supported Franco as he was a much better option for Spain than the republican communists who unfairly silenced rightests during the end of the second republic. As a matter of fact franco wasent that extremeñas a year after he got in office he basically backstabbed his facist rooters, upsetting his falangist base and becoming a more modererate leader who tried to unify Spainish culture (which I support). Besides I think Facism gets a bad name cuz of Hitler who was a National Socialist and mass killing is in no part of the facist doctrine, and in saying this as a half Herman. Anyway point in point can I be a Barca fan even though this club is really leftist and I am a self described facist who believes in a unified Spain