keano would be great for celtic.
they have talented players they just have no one to lead them.
keano's a fantastic leader he just can't deal with shit players, hence his struggling in the lower leagues.
give him a great squad and I'd back him to succeed.
thats the problem though celt*c don't have a great squad and probably will never do for sometime now unlike o'neils team... not saying our one is anything special rite enuf.
still what a job Sir Walter has done with NO money. we both need out of this league, big clubs + top money = top players. we used to sign english internationals ffs, now what we buying?? nothing we r in DEBT, hopefully we get a buyer soon.
still im glad to see the good scottish backbone our squad now has, mougley shud never of got rid of mcmanus auldwell & robson...BIG mistake. wont be long before all the loan sigings go back aswell including 'Keano' then wat they gonna be left with? Samaras?
Hats off to Gus McPherson for that result, a shame the headlines not highlighting how good a job he has done and he is also the longest serving spl manager. we shud never of bet them agaisnt 9 men last wknd we got lucky, but hey we'll take it....
say hello to 2IAR