Cesc Fàbregas


Senior Member
Wenger (coach Arsenal): "What I know is that Fabregas will stay one more year at least in Barcelona, that's the information I have."


New member
Wenger just wants him to go back to Arsenal lol.

Cesc is staying and with the amount playing time he's bound to get this season as Xavi starts to wind down and Iniesta's injuries, he'll be even more of a protagonist in the coming years.


High Definition Member
Poor choice of words. He is a box to box but we will play him at dm backup for busi. I'm just saying he's not limited to that role and has the technical ability and stamina to be a box to box player, its probaly his best role. Kind of like how we used yaya as a dm when he is actually more capable. We have roberto for this role though so he won't play there.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
I see Song as moderate in terms of stamina not quite the workhorse that Keita was.

Anyway, I see Cesc staying put and playing a key role at Barca for years to come.


New member
Poor choice of words. He is a box to box but we will play him at dm backup for busi. I'm just saying he's not limited to that role and has the technical ability and stamina to be a box to box player, its probaly his best role. Kind of like how we used yaya as a dm when he is actually more capable. We have roberto for this role though so he won't play there.

song is nothing like yaya except they are tall and black.yaya is one of the most complete and most versatile player. He can score,defend,attack,pass,good aerial ability,fast while song is an attacking version of mikel.the player that are close to yaya are pogba,kondogbia,capoue,mikel gonalons.
I'm happy that atleast they now know that they don't have a chance. A bit late and there aren't many decent options out there. How long will it take until we bid for Song?


High Definition Member
Song does have attacking qualities, watch him against Dortmund, he can attack and is versatile like yaya, but not nearly as good obviously. It's a pointless argument anyway as he will always play dm for us.


New member
Song does have attacking qualities, watch him against Dortmund, he can attack and is versatile like yaya, but not nearly as good obviously. It's a pointless argument anyway as he will always play dm for us.

i said an attacking version of mikel which means he only attack and neglect his defensive work but still even in attack he is not as effective as yaya, in either defending or attacking;yaya is better,he is more of a poor man keita.


High Definition Member
He doesn't neglect defensive work for us. He does his job and keeps it simple when in possession. Maybe for Arsenal he was a bit reckless in that way. Also, please give credit, he is much better than an "attacking Mikel".

I'm not saying he is better than Yaya, why are you arguing that point?

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