Champions League Final 2009: FC Barcelona vs ManUtd: Champions of Europe!


New member
if it was an american,it was probably al-qaeda.


..think I pinched a nerve then.. :D (yes it worked!!)
just because you all Mancs on here are nervous & that you are due for a Goal-scoring Gallery in Rome by Barcelona don mean you got to take it all out on us.

we are not that desperate to immigrate on your forums and punting like you are doing.
btw: Osama only watches penalties. (last time I heard).LoL
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I wish you guys luck with the game. I hope you win.

You may have knocked us out but you didn't do anything wrong. All my hatred rests with the referee on that one ;)

However i reckon they'll have more luck on the counter attack so you'll have to be on your very best.

Good to see you've calmed down. Cheers :beer2:


Oh! Never,, if they play like against Madrid they could easily be beaten, ManU are much stronger than Madrid.. We can’t play open game with ManU coz the defense and G.K are a bit weak.

that's the same comment i keep hearing. Yes Man u is much better than Real but it doesnt have to be a factor because its the way barca played. one touch football...before any enemy player was able to come close to a player (no team can come close). It was a majestic performance...and i'm not talking about the goals.

It was 1 team that combined passes over the whole pitch like 1 good oiled machine/organism.


New member
I hope we'll see Sylivinho in his best light and the final will be remembered as the game of his life. Like Belletti.

Heath Newton

New member
..think I pinched a nerve then.. :D (yes it worked!!)
just because you all Mancs on here are nervous & that you are due for a Goal-scoring Gallery in Rome by Barcelona don't mean you got to take it all out on us.
btw: Osama only watches penalties. (last time I heard).LoL

i think there are a few cules who're nervous about tonight too,and rightly so.

it's the european cup final !! :nervous2:

and osama's an arsenal fan isn't he..:unsure:


You sure Sylvinho will play at LB? Where did you read that? Sport? I'm hearing different stories; Some say Keita, some say Cáceres & the rest say Sylvinho


Barçapocalypse NOW!
You know when you have a dream that's so vivid and realistic you think it's actually happening? I had that three times last night, woke up 3 times, once screaming in celebration, once nearly crying, and once doing I can't remember what. The first one, Messi scored in the 2nd minute after a one-two with Eto'o ad I swear to god I dreamed a full and realistic game where we won 4-1. I woke up cheering then realized it was just a dream. Disappointment to the extreme. I then fell asleep and dreamed about Ronaldo and Berbatov both scoring headers to beat us 2-0 and I woke up in a cold sweat totally dejected. The third dream was just trippy, don't know what was happening.

My mind is starting to fuck with me so soon before the game o_O

I thought I was the only one having dreams about today's big match. However mine weren't so vivid, I actually dreamt I was arriving to the stadium and got to the locker rooms, where one by one the players started coming, even Ronaldinho was there joining the pre-game party where Guddy was the main man and Henry was eating cheese sandwiches for extra-strenght in the match, hahahaha, seriously...


Does it really matter?!?!?! :D I have faith in everyone whether it's Sylvi, Martin or Seydou :D


Anybody knows if there's anything such as live webcams from either Rome or LA Ramblas in Barcelona to show the atmosphere there?

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