Claudio Bravo


Senior Member
The best thing is that this stupid board finally learned the lesson with Pinto and now doesn't want to repeat the same mistake with a nr.1 keeper and a mascot as the second...


very solid keeper, good to have a backup like him

hope we don't pay more than 7m for him though


New member


New member
everybody who is complaining that he costs nearly the same as mats... have you ever thought abaout that MAtS was very very very cheap. He is a bargain for a so young and classy gk..

Bravo has really impressed me.. looks also like a leader

and for those who say we rotate
.. i'm 100% sure hes our number 2 and MAtS our number 1.


All media have confirmed a deal on Real Sociedad keeper Claudio Bravo (31). 12M, Dos Santos not included, 4-year contract. Not yet official.

12 million, dunno whether to laugh or cry


High Definition Member
I don't think it's embarrassing. Keepers lasts. While he he'll be a backup for at least four seasons, a long time in footy.


High Definition Member
Why are some so convinced that he'll be a back-up keeper and only play CDR? I think he'll be rotated with TS in the LL/CL, whilst playing the bulk of the fixtures (or the imp. games) atleast in the first season.

A backup this good takes pressure of mats the first season.

Josef K

New member
And what about Masip? He's coming off the season of his life. How will three keepers split the available minutes?


Bravo won't be a backup from the start, he'll fight with MAtS for the first spot....depends on who will do better in the preseason.

A lot of money for a 31 year-old but at least we will have two solid keepers, not only one with a mascot being the backup.


Lemon curry?
Why are some so convinced that he'll be a back-up keeper and only play CDR? I think he'll be rotated with TS in the LL/CL, whilst playing the bulk of the fixtures (or the imp. games) atleast in the first season.

His statements about always starting as a backup but ending a starter sounded to me as if he was told he wouldn't get the nod or at least expected it.

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