What's that got to do with it? They haven't beat Barca away since 2005 or something. 6 points out of 90odd in the last decade on Spain's biggest grounds. They are the biggest pussies when it comes to away games. Real Madrid with Hakimis, Nachos and I think without Ronaldo put 5 past them on Bernabeu last season in December while in the middle of a massive rot when 20 points behind in the leagueI literally said in the chat last week you'd put 6 past them. Can check the logs.
But hey, 6-1 against Seville!
Dude you're talking shit right now. Ronaldo scored that game two times and had 1 assist. So i don't know what you're talking about. Get your facts straight.... That was one of Real Madrid's best perfomance last season. I did watch that game unlike you..