Thanks again suckabov for taking the time to explain.
However though, just a thought, wouldn't it be possible that those "Bayern sympathizes"

), just to get back at them for coining the term "BVB sympathizes") in the media and the various NTs know very well that by naming any other Bayern player other than Ribery will be detrimental to Ribery's chances of winning, therefore they will all just pick Ribery instead? I mean, let's say even though I would have preferred Schweinsteiger and Robben, but I know they don't stand a chance; and by voting for these two I am diluting Ribery's votes, so in the end I decide to vote for Ribery because I just want a Bayern player to win? Do you think this is possible?
Also, question: How important and crucial are those 2nd and 3rd place votes for Messi for his overall chances to win?
Finally, it is quite amazing for me to learn that Löw doesn't rate Messi very highly. Why? Just a typical case of Jogi being crazy and clueless or something else?
That is exactly what Bayern are trying to do with their campaign, the question however is who would take interest in such a campaign and why. The only group of voters that would care about Ribery winning are some journalists, but to care enough to vote tactically, they would need to be close to Bayern, French or be so big fanboys that they would do everything to see him win. Sure the French one might do it, and additionally leave out Messi. As for Bayern-close press, there's only the German press representative - but neither the journalist voting nor the magazine he is writing for is pro-Bayern, but rather neutral and very objective. Also, he in previous years always picked Messi as his first choice, despite a representative from the same magazine voting for Iniesta at the UEFA award. As for fanboys... well, those are serious journalists, I don't think they'd do that. Not even Messi had journalists tactically voting for him (i.e. excluding Ronaldo). Then aditionally, in order for the plan to work out, they would all need to exclude Messi, which is extremely unlikely (and again, there is no reason). Lastly, even if all the journalists in the world decided to plot, that would still not be sufficient to beat the votes Messi gets. Voters from all sorts of Asian and African countries almost always exclusively voted Messi for first place, I don't think anyone, including Ribery, would get them to change that, let alone start to vite tactically to support a Bayern player.
Of course some voters always vote tactically, and you can expect the French to go all Ribery. Other than those, I'm not sure who would do that for him. Lahm will include him, but I bet he will go for Schweini too, and Messi (he always included him).
As for the votes, they are counted as points. 1st place gets 5, 2nd 3 and 3rd place 1 point. Points are added and whoever has the most points wins.
Löw does rate him as the best player in the world, so he says, and he usually included him somewhere in his votes. Last year, though, his top 3 were Özil, Neuer and Xavi. He just likes to give his players credit when he thinks they deserved it (I guess he did it for the Euros). I don't think he'd include Ribery though, as Löw disagrees with whatever is currently a popular opinion. He'll probably back a German Bayern player like Lahm, Schwein or Neuer.