Culé de Celestial Empire
Off the pitch he's a decent guy but on it he still dives, crys, and acts like a child. His diving isn't as bad as it once was though.

Off the pitch he's a decent guy but on it he still dives, crys, and acts like a child. His diving isn't as bad as it once was though.
My "problem" with Ronaldo is that he thinks he's up there with Messi or even better. And whole machinery which is forcing the whole "Messi vs. Ronaldo" thing is just nuts.
It is so strong that polls like this are possible:
56% think that Ronaldo is better.
Ronaldo is amazing player, just like Robben, Suarez, Zlatan or any other top level player is. Messi is something else.
I'll just say that in relativism everyone is great player (including you and myself) and everyone is crap player (including you and myself). I really don't find much value in it, especially not the truth.
I can only say this, everything Ronaldo does, can be done by anyone else...with Messi, it's a bit different. Last time the world has seen something close to that was in times of Maradona and if people
still don't get that or refuse, then from mine POV, should not discuss football at all. But yes, they have all amazing rights to express them self in the most amazing way. In that sense I'll say that
Justin Bieber is the best musician ever. Heck with anyone else who doesn't agree, I'll vote and millions of other teenagers and I'm sure will outvote stupid Beethoven followers.
that's a complete legit opinion to have. i can fully understand when many people, especially kids or teenagers think ronaldo's playing style is more exciting, i dunno why that's such a big deal. if you think messi's something else, that's also great and million of people agree with you, but it's no outrage to disagree with that. the whole "best player" label is as subjective as it can get.
Heck for me, the best players are iniesta and zidane. you can show me hundreds of statistics and videos of messi or ronaldo and that won't change. on the other hand, i'm totally fine with the majority thinking it's a two horse race between messi and ronaldo, as long the police doesn't kick my front door in when i'm watching my iniesta vids on youtube
btw sorry, if that came across as too harsh critizism. i totally agree that the overhyped ronaldo vs messi thing is annoying as hell
that's a complete legit opinion to have. i can fully understand when many people, especially kids or teenagers think ronaldo's playing style is more exciting, i dunno why that's such a big deal. if you think messi's something else, that's also great and million of people agree with you, but it's no outrage to disagree with that. the whole "best player" label is as subjective as it can get.
Heck for me, the best players are iniesta and zidane. you can show me hundreds of statistics and videos of messi or ronaldo and that won't change. on the other hand, i'm totally fine with the majority thinking it's a two horse race between messi and ronaldo, as long the police doesn't kick my front door in when i'm watching my iniesta vids on youtube
btw sorry, if that came across as too harsh critizism. i totally agree that the overhyped ronaldo vs messi thing is annoying as hell
^ There you go
I think Mario Yepes is the best in the world
The amount of times commentators say when he's lining up a free-kick "We know how well he can hit them" and the amount he actually hits well is so little. I always wondered over the years at Madrid why they didn't let Xabi and Ozil hit them more often.
The amount of times commentators say when he's lining up a free-kick "We know how well he can hit them" and the amount he actually hits well is so little. I always wondered over the years at Madrid why they didn't let Xabi and Ozil hit them more often.