Some people want the 6 to be given to Puig or Alena but It will likely go to Frenkie.
Would even better if FDJ comes and snatches Rakitic's wig and gets the 4.
He should get 14 imo, Dutch connection.
Some people want the 6 to be given to Puig or Alena but It will likely go to Frenkie.
Would even better if FDJ comes and snatches Rakitic's wig and gets the 4.
He should get 14 imo, Dutch connection.
Bad business, same as with Paco.
If he performs like a 20M player, Arsenal won't buy him. If he performs like a 30-40M, Arsenal will buy him but we will be getting ripped off.
Suarez trying to hold back the tears
Can't wait to watch him silence all the incels on here
Whats with incels?
Not counting neckbeards and incels, that's probably true. I'm sure everyone will be singing a different tune after he tears it up at Arsenal
I'm sure you are right about this.
Just like how your bitchmade ass crying about how terrible of a player Dembele was a short time ago was correct...
Keep taking them L's dawg.
30+ year old clown calling people 'incels' while defending Denise.
Lmao. The state of this.
better than being a 30+ year old virgin calling a stud athlete with a model gf Denise to make himself feel better
better than being a 30+ year old virgin calling a stud athlete with a model gf Denise to make himself feel better