Are you acting stupid or something ??
this photo
you are pathetic
How long have you been doing this "joke" for, since that Benji page is older than your account. He also when emailed claimed to have no idea what was going on, despite this going on for quite a while.
Oh now u two mess with each other yet the original Benj said he don't know you in the first place when Bojan mailed him..
And u put your picture on his articles about Barcelona when he is a united fan who didn't write a thing about United.. and all the 3 of you share the same IP ..
i'll go drink my prenatal milk now
the joke wasnt on the barcça forum it was on him omg.......
and he was being a twat trying to get at me
i work in a hospital if i did not know what a twat was i do not think i would have a job? and i take pride in my english thank you very much.. i went through the whole Rosetta stone program
ps this is not the first time i have lived in the states i spent 5 years here when i was younger i even attended high school here for a year