Hazard: I'm as good as Ronaldo and Messi were at my age... now I just need to win trophies to prove I'm best in the world
Messi at 23 already had 2 bdors, 2 cls, 3 ligas, 1 olympic gold medal and much more...
Lol, you read the Daily Fail?

Hazard didn't even say that. Read the original interview in L'équipe where the Daily Mail took their quotes from. They should hire some new people in their linguistic department.
Here's the full interview, plz point out the quote?
L'Equipe : Was the game against City the best in your career so far ?
Eden : It was a great game, i performed very well. I watched it on TV later, I missed very few things. All that I tried, I succeeded because I had a lot of confidence in me. I have to try and reproduce this type of match as often as possible.
L'Equipe : Is your current level the fruits of your labour since you left Lille ? (Yes, french journalists always ask shitty questions like that...)
Eden : I worked like any professionnal players do. Rather than training, it's the succession of big matches in Premier League that are important for my progression. I don't say to myself : "Tomorrow I will work to be a better player". No, I will be better if I play well every week and in big matches. I have been in good form for two-three months now, I hope for Chelsea and me that it will last. But one must not get ahead of oneself. Just try to be better each time than the last.
Have you reached the personnal goals that you had set for yourself ?
E.H : It's my second season here. I play every week in one of the best clubs in the world. I still have to work on regularity and efficiency. But each year I feel I make progress, I am in an updraft. Now it's up to me to stay focused and take it to the next level.
How do you rate Jose Mourniho ?
E.H : His palmares speaks for itself. He won trophies with every clubs he's managed. Nobody had beaten City at Etihad this season. There's no discussion possible, thos who were still doubting his competence have to stop ! He's already proven that he's the best manager in the world.
Is he close to his players ?
E.H : I have a very simple relationship with him. He trusts his players without being constantly behind their shoulders, checking in on them. He likes to tease us and have fun so that there will be a good atmosphere and us players would feel at ease. Sometimes, he's angry but it's normal. I have absolutely no problem with him, I get loads of playing time and I get to give the best of myself.
You had little troubles when you lost your passport when you came back to France...
E.H : He made me understand what had happened, deprived me of the next game against Schalke in UCL. The game that followed against WBA, I was on the pitch. And i scored a penalty at the last minute. It proves that we're not dead to him when we make a mistake. He has that intelligence. He tries to understand and supervise like a father would do with his children.
Your name has been mentioned once again during this winter transfer window...
E.H : Leaving Chelsea has never been on topic for me. I'm happy at Chelsea and still have much to do here.
Yet your name is often associated with PSG...
E.H : It's flattering to see big teams like PSG interested in me.But it doesn't trouble me. I'm very well aware of what I want, where I wanna go. Nobody's gonna change my mind. My aim is to be the best with Chelsea. A youngster like me have the chance to learn every day with highly experienced pros like Lampard, Terry, Cech, Etoo. Thay all have won so many trophies. I try to build myself on their models. It makes me better. That's why I think my best years are still ahead of me.
Does it strengthen your choice to have come to Chelsea ?
E.H : We'll see in 3 or 4 years if I win trophies. I came to Chelsea because I knew I would get playing time. Since then I've made good friends at Chelsea, where people have liked me very rapidly.
Has the way supporters look at you changed ?
E.H : Frankly, I don't care what people think of me. Messi and Ronaldo are the two best in the world and they're both hated and loved. It's just the way it is.
How do you rate yourself in comparison to these two players ?$
E.H : I'm a lot younger than them. Thay have a palmares that I don't. But I have nothing to envy them at my age. If i want to get to their level, I have to win trophies. It's up to me.
Will you compete with them for the title of best player in the world ?
E.H: It's too soon to tell. I'm on the right path, but I still got a lot to do especially in the big matches. You have to score constantly, like Ibrahimovic, Ronaldo and Messi. I have to keep on working to get to their level.
Is that what Mourinho is asking of you ?
E.H : He doesn't ask one thing in particular. Trainings are always kind of the same whoever the coach is. He won't tell me what I have to do, individually. I have to feel it. Mourinho makes us aware of our responsabilities. In France, it was like "we're all going to do muscle-development". Here, if you don't want to do these exercise, you can avoid them for years. On the other hand, you have to be at your best on the pitch.
How far can you lead Chelsea ?
E.H : We'll see. We're still in the race for 3 competitions. We're not favorite for the UCL because there are better teams than ours. Premier League, we'll see. If we play every games like we did against City, we'll be champions. But I will do nothing by my own. If we get to win trophies, it will be thanks to the whole team.