As for my "mentally retarded" comment, you did not understand that either it seems. That was a reference to the CONTENT of your initial post where you publicly wrote that you wanted us to lose everything this season and for RM to win everything instead. Now if that is not mentally retarded as a supposed fan, I don't know what is. Is that so difficult to understand?
There is no need to use insult anyone, we are here to discuss things, not to scream "retarded" like a child every time you get emotional
Did you read my posts or did you just decide not to do so and invent your own narrative?
What narrative? I gave you an explanation, and I don't go around reading your posts that aren't quoted to me, nobody has such time.
Did I just not write, in a very detailed way, why I believe that the board would not have fired Valverde this season regardless of what? Did I just not write that there are no top managers available this summer and that we have ZERO guarantee of finding something better than Valverde with THIS board around? That it is not realistic when ALL the seniors are publicly praising Valverde. What do you want me to discuss, hypothesis or discuss based on the ground realities?
Why fire him when his contract is ending

are you talking about firing him before we even enter CL? You make no sense once again, now if he decides to trigger the clause in his contract for the extension after not winning anything, which would be very low even for him, then I'm sure even this incompetent board would still fire him.
I want Valverde gone too (probably more than you) but do I want him gone as much for me to wish that we will lose every single title and for RM to win them instead? That would be an insane opinion to have as a fan. Outside of the "special lot" on this forum, I know of no fans that would agree with such a brilliant "logic".
You want Valverde gone

you would probably faint if you saw your hero in real life. Sometimes there are things we have to sacrifice in order to achieve something.
Believe me, there is nothing difficult about any content of your posts for me or anyone else not to understand it. However it seems that you do not understand even the simplest of arguments and I don't really bother to repeat myself for the fourth time. Other users understood what I wrote. I am sure that you can as well.
Yes big man, your posts are very intelligent and people here are refreshing your profile page, waiting for you new posts. Sounds like you were arguing about nothing and your only "arguments" are calling someone "retarded", "not a fan", I don't know why you got so invested into this, is it that hard to keep yourself together?