Ernesto Valverde


Senior Member
Only 1 Valverde Stan has posted so far.

Incredible how they dwindle in numbers after night like these.

Only to come back after an easy win at Camp Nou.


Senior Member
The fact that you're still here, defending Valverde after everything. I'm not sure who the greater fool is. Ernesto, or you who keep buying into his bullshit.

After the back to back Champions League humiliations, the players looking like they don't train basic concepts, looking clueless out on the pitch tactically...

Keep sucking his dick though, perhaps he'll notice you one day.




I AM critical towards Valverde, there are just worse actors involved than him and even more circumstances which need to be taken into account. Sackkng him at this point it would most likely be a bad decision. It wont make the obvious problem goaway, that the players Arent compatible to eachother.
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New member
In the very, very, very unlikely case that mourinho gets selected, there would be potentially an huge up Roar inside the club, from fans and lastly from the old core players.

It has Nothing to do with his manager skill-set, but his while history with Barca.

Also mourinho isnt the coach he has been. He lost his touch years ago, and since Madrid every squad turns against him, not to mention that he almost every time leaves the club in worse state for hus successor than any other coach in footbaæl

No there won't. Our fanbase is already demoralized. There is a horrible feeling and buzz about this club and the fanbase since the Anfield catastrophe hence why I wrote, before the season started, that I don't expect us to win anything this season.
This club's ethos and values died a long time ago with the cancerous board at the helm. The board buying Griezmann and chasing fucking Neymar of all players was the final nail in the coffin. The Neymar transfer scandal, the FIFA transfer ban, the many high-profile board members resigning, the club's weak handling of the 2017 political crisis, our 2 successive legendary CL humiliations, years of pathetic transfer dealings, Cruyff being stripped off his honorary president insignia within hours of the current cancerous lot taking control of the club in 2010, La Masia's poor handling and 100's of other examples as well.

In any case I already wrote that Mourinho is not going to coach Barça for the reminder of the season even though one could easily make a case of him being one of the better short-term choices out there for the reasons that I gave, simply due to the reason that the cancerous board is spineless and they would want to keep Malmierda for as long as possible even though our house is burning and our fundament is about to collapse.

Mourinho is indeed not what he once was but still a better option than most of the available mangers (let alone the Malmierda that you for some strange reason keep defending) out there right now. In particular to lit a fire under the squad. He tends to implode in his third season. I am talking about him being a caretaker until the end of the season. Nothing more. I also realize, as I already wrote initially, that it is never going to happen as this spineless board will not fire Malmierda anytime soon unless we keep losing points in the next 5 rounds or so, and if they do, they won't hire Mourinho but another puppet. That and Mourinho never agreeing to become a caretaker for the reminder of the season. He would want a long-term project that goes beyond 2020, which he is not the right manager for.
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6racies Xavi
I AM critical towards Valverde, there are just worse actors involved than him. Sackkng him at this point it would most likely be a bad decision. It wont make the obvious problem goaway, that the players Arent compatible to eachother.

You are either one dumb mofo or a troll.


President of FC Barcelona
Just sacking Valverde isn't enough.

This team need some serious changes next summer.

We need at least one new starter at CB in place of Pique, preferably two, but we don't have petrodollars so that might be difficult. Suarez need to be gone, Griezmann should play centrally.

We need a LW with some pace that can challenge 1v1 and offer some width. Ansu is a great talent, but he's not there yet.

de Jong should play as a CDM with Arthur and a more offensive oriented CM.

We seriously need to sort out our RB situation. I'm frankly speaking sick and tired of both Semedo and Roberto.

Guys like Suarez, Rakitic, Vidal need to leave no matter what. We need to sell some players to reinvent this squad again with players who can provide some energy, movement, willpower to take this club forward, otherwise we're just going to be stuck where we are right now and truly become the new AC Milan with a bunch of old players that are slow.

Just break up the old guard, it's over. Time to move on. The only I would keep is Messi, everyone else should either leave or sit their ass on the bench and play their role as rotation options.

The entitlement, the excuses, the complaining on the field, it disgust me.


Well-known member
Just sacking Valverde isn't enough.

This team need some serious changes next summer.

We need at least one new starter at CB in place of Pique, preferably two, but we don't have petrodollars so that might be difficult. Suarez need to be gone, Griezmann should play centrally.

We need a LW with some pace that can challenge 1v1 and offer some width. Ansu is a great talent, but he's not there yet.

de Jong should play as a CDM with Arthur and a more offensive oriented CM.

We seriously need to sort out our RB situation. I'm frankly speaking sick and tired of both Semedo and Roberto.

Guys like Suarez, Rakitic, Vidal need to leave no matter what. We need to sell some players to reinvent this squad again with players who can provide some energy, movement, willpower to take this club forward, otherwise we're just going to be stuck where we are right now and truly become the new AC Milan with a bunch of old players that are slow.

Just break up the old guard, it's over. Time to move on. The only I would keep is Messi, everyone else should either leave or sit their ass on the bench and play their role as rotation options.

The entitlement, the excuses, the complaining on the field, it disgust me.

Well said. Old guard is done. We need to start from a scratch. Keep few key guys and come up with a new plan and coach. Someone with a plan and inspiration to build something fantastic again.


Senior Member
No there won't. Our fanbase is already demoralized. There is a horrible feeling and buzz about this club and the fanbase since the Anfield catastrophe hence why I wrote, before the season started, that I don't expect us to win anything this season.
This club's ethos and values died a long time ago with the cancerous board at the helm. The board buying Griezmann and chasing fucking Neymar of all players was the final nail in the coffin. The Neymar transfer scandal, the FIFA transfer ban, the many high-profile board members resigning, the club's weak handling of the 2017 political crisis, our 2 successive legendary CL humiliations, years of pathetic transfer dealings, Cruyff being stripped off his honorary president insignia within hours of the current cancerous lot taking control of the club in 2010, La Masia's poor handling and 100's of other examples as well.

In any case I already wrote that Mourinho is not going to coach Barça for the reminder of the season even though one could easily make a case of him being one of the better short-term choices out there for the reasons that I gave, simply due to the reason that the cancerous board is spineless and they would want to keep Malmierda for as long as possible even though our house is burning and our fundament is about to collapse.

Mourinho is indeed not what he once was but still a better option than most of the available mangers (let alone the Malmierda that you for some strange reason keep defending) out there right now. In particular to lit a fire under the squad. He tends to implode in his third season. I am talking about him being a caretaker until the end of the season. Nothing more. I also realize, as I already wrote initially, that it is never going to happen as this spineless board will not fire Malmierda anytime soon unless we keep losing points in the next 5 rounds or so, and if they do, they won't hire Mourinho but another puppet. That and Mourinho never agreeing to become a caretaker for the reminder of the season. He would want a long-term project that goes beyond 2020, which he is not the right manager for.

Mourinho wont be accepted by neither our board nor the players, it could literally end with us missing out on champions leauge.

I keep defending Valverde, because as you self wrote the clubs problems are way deeper than the coach. Im not so sure that more than a handfull of coaches around would have delivered better.


Senior Member
I dont think the players would have a problem with Mourinho. It doesnt matter though. Wont happen. But you cant seriously believe that every coach would deliver the same shitshow as Valverde. He made so many baffling decisions.


President of FC Barcelona
Mourinho? What's next, van Gaal? I'll rather bring on Setien as a caretaker until the end of the season and go all in for ten Hag or someone like that next summer.


6racies Xavi
Id personally get rid off most of the old guard and reassess all the Barca players under a WC coach. If Ten Hag can make his offense work with fucking Neres-Tadic-Ziyech , Im sure an elite coach can pull off something with the quality he will have at Barca's disposal.

There is plenty of quality in this team without the need to add a single extra player ( maybe a CB since Umtiti seems fucking done , but that's it) , especially if you wanna incorporate the Barca B players like Puig , Fati , etc.


New member
Forget Mourinho, I would take Quique Setién every day of the week over a finished damaged goods like Malmierda.

The unforgivable Anfield catastrophe was the final nail in the coffin for even the dumbest and most fanatic Malmierda fanboy and it should have been the final nail in the coffin for the players, particularly the club de amigos clan, and our cancerous and useless board as well. The Roma catastrophe should have given a competent and ambitious board enough reason to fire Malmierda, despite the doblete (courtesy of pathetically bad Atlético de Madrid and Real Madrid teams more than anything else), however that sadly never occurred.

As I see it, the current spine of the team (club de amigos clan) died in Anfield as did the player/manager relationship. What is left is some inexplicable relationship that is intended to keep the facade of a united club, courtesy of a spineless and cowardly board, despite that relationship amounting to a dysfunctional one where both parties are having orgies left and right with third parties. In other words neither Malmierda nor the club de amigos clan gives a shit about what is the best for the club. Just their own plates. The priest who married the couple (board) is doing jack shit either and more busy with sweeping all the dirt that he has created during 9+ years of governing under the carpet.
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Senior Member
I dont think the players would have a problem with Mourinho. It doesnt matter though. Wont happen. But you cant seriously believe that every coach would deliver the same shitshow as Valverde. He made so many baffling decisions.

Im not sure that many coaches would have delivered a double in the 16/17. Him daring to switch to 442 after neygate, basically won us the title. Other managers would have gone for 433 and probably failed. Because we didn't have the players for it. Second season wasnt that bad either, we won la liga, and werent far from winning chl and Copa del rey in addition to la liga


6racies Xavi
Im not sure that many coaches would have delivered a double in the 16/17. Him daring to switch to 442 after neygate, basically won us the title. Other managers would have gone for 433 and probably failed. Because we didn't have the players for it. Second season wasnt that bad either, we won la liga, and werent far from winning chl and Copa del rey in addition to la liga

Ernesto 'League Master" Valverde meme is back on the table lads.


President of FC Barcelona
This is what I said in another thread a few days ago.

Is it realistic? Maybe not. But if the club is serious about making some changes that can impact this club and team in the short and long-term, they just have to pull off something like this.

If you go for a manager like ten Hag, Nagelsmann, Koeman, whoever it is, you need to give him a new team so he can implement his ideas. Start fresh with a new core.

I wouldn't say it's impossible. Highly unlikely? Yeah, but that's because we're most likely going to half-ass the CB signing by going for another slow Sevilla CB.

Like I said it depends on if we sell well. The players I mentioned there, that's a lot of salary mass going out. If we can balance that by offering less to the players coming in, apart from Neymar, it's definitely possible.

I like Alena, but I don't think he'll ever be a starter. Should probably go on a loan next season to see if he can develop better somewhere where he can play regularly. I actually think we should loan more players to the Bundesliga like Real Madrid have done. Either that or a well-run Dutch club. Seem to be very good at developing young talent.

Honestly, Neymar, Konaté, Ruiz, Olmo and someone like Oliver Giroud on a Free Transfer on a two year contract would pretty much be a home run for me. If you can add a RB like Youcef Atal or someone like that, even better.

Very FIFA Career Mode or Football Manager-esque from me, but those transfers with a new coach would completely reinvent this squad from being one of the oldest in Europe to a much younger one with a lot of quality.

Now, some of you will probably react negatively since I mentioned Neymar there. You can add Mbappé, or another winger you want, but it got to be a LW that's good enough to start Day 1.

And I've kinda accepted that they will try to sign Neymar again and succeed next summer.

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