Ernesto Valverde


President of FC Barcelona
It's actually unbelievable.

I've never seen a manager with a more vanilla personality than this guy.


Senior Member
He's already Mou level's of unbearable, just without the moaning and throwing players under the bus publically.

He has the personality of a wet dishrag, someone who is scared to take any risks and thinks what he does works even if we are getting blown out in the CL away games. He's just one of those guys who gets under your skin even if he isn't some abrasive assholish guy like Mou was.

He's someone that won't ever take the hint and leave for the sake of himself and the team. Lucho was a stubborn man and struggled with tactics towards the end of his reign but even he knew when to bow out.

That's because Lucho was a Barca legend. This guy is just an opportunist who got the dream job and tries to keep it as much as possible.


New member
I fucking hate this guy so fucking much omg. Every single day I ask why the fuck is he still our manager after disastrous results in the CL two years in a row. Its fucking unbelievable.

He should stop doing press conferences cause its literally the same shit every single time and he would save us the anger that we're all feeling right now after hearing what he has to say.

Even more baffling than him staying is how and why Messi, of all people, made an effort and come out and defended him publicly just to get the fans behind him again. He appeared in his first press conference since 2015 just to defend this guy, its so weird.
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Senior Member
I fucking hate his guts, his pretentious smile and his extreme cowardice. The worst manager I’ve ever had to endure. Tata was a Bielsa compared to him.

P.S. fucking hate how he tries to sell his slow sterile negative defensive possession football as the “Barca style”. Anyone with eyes can see it is not. In the interviews he always claims that shit. “We will be true to our style” and so on. It’s obnoxious and disappointing.

Exactly. This man is a weasel. I fucking hate him. I hated Mourinho before but I would take Mourinho over Shitverde anyday of the week. I am just baffled as to why the board love him so much. I think the only reason is the senior players.


President of FC Barcelona
When we drop a disasterclass in the CL again and Valverde starts the 2020/21 season as the Barcelona manager again:



Senior Member
When i watch this guy i turn into a balloon of positivity because if this guy made it into elite football , any pathetic guy can make it in life.


Senior Member
Yeah, he knows it won't get better than this.

All he needs to do is shithouse a La Liga title and he knows the job is his. If he leaves he will likely end up coaching a mid-table La Liga/EPL side for the most part.


New member
Cheer up guys his contract ends in 10 months, and there will be whole 15% chance he doesn't get a contract extension, which would be the end of this darkest timeline of Barca.


Staff member
Blame the socis. They are obviously happy with this. You gotta remember that is was the Dutchman Cruyff who brought them joy of total football. So called "Barca football" isn't Catalan to begin with.

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