FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


New member
Castilla can keep possession better than us :facepalm:

not too many surprises here... building up the play from the back is the biggest weakness of this barca b squad. neither planas nor lomban nor ledes are ball playing defenders and the midfield somewhat lacks creativity without sergi roberto

araujo's ability to keep the ball against physical defenders is pretty good, similar to alexis'


New member
:lol: chill out. You are definitely the most overreacting fan I have ever seen.
not the first time i hear this :) but im very very emotional in those thing.. even if i dont mean them but at those moments imm reacting like crazy

btw just ordered two shirts from 3nil.... very very nice

cmon deulo score some for us :)

barca b nowhere near playing like barca... no posession at all strange


New member
I don't like the way deulofeu keep trying to score from impossible angles instead of trying to give to a team mate

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