FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


Staff member
I bet he doesn't know what he's talking about. In between fear from courts and Messi not renewing he is sweating rivers. Also knows if Barca repeats another disappointing season, there'll be calls for elections.


Senior Member
Valverde on Barca B.




God Serena

New member
To add onto Konan's post, I'm hearing he's averaged 4 promoted youth players per season as a manager.

That's insane. We could cut that number to 1/4 of that and expectations would be exceeded. It'll be interesting to see if he actually makes an effort to give young players minutes or caves to the pressure the way Tata Martino did when he lamented not being able to give Roberto minutes despite being a major fan.


New member
To add onto Konan's post, I'm hearing he's averaged 4 promoted youth players per season as a manager.

That's insane. We could cut that number to 1/4 of that and expectations would be exceeded. It'll be interesting to see if he actually makes an effort to give young players minutes or caves to the pressure the way Tata Martino did when he lamented not being able to give Roberto minutes despite being a major fan.

Is that at Bilbao or through his whole career as a manager?


Senior Member
Through his career, but most of them were at Bilbao obviously.



New member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Marlon Santos, Sergi Palencia, Carles Alena & Alex Carbonell will take part in First team role next season more frequently. [L'Esportiu]</p>— Catalan Edition (@CatalanEdition) <a href="https://twitter.com/CatalanEdition/status/870971254504906753">3. Juni 2017</a></blockquote>[/tw]

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