FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


Senior Member
Opinions never changed.

When the levers were said to be sold for 50 years I said on that terms terrible deal to extent would be better off selling star players than that as a point of just how bad that deal was... you argued otherwise and as thought board were going down that route it was way to go.

A few days later Barca board came out and said it was a terrible deal for club and would not accept it.

When the levers were changed to 25 years and on better terms it becomes a decision then to take levers.. but in my opinion should be with longer term aims and not all with immediate success.

There is still the option to sell players even then if believe the levers and 200m odd that could be spent was not beneficial enough in market to make 25 years of hit worth it.

None of that opinion has changed. Been same all way through.

Try again.


You held that we should have sold everyone, now a few months later to sound "right" on the same topic, it's let's keep them & add to them, can't have both, you just jump around on topics as per usual.

Torres went from being old 45m euros & great, go being apart of 2 wingers we paid 120m for that isn't being used right,to suit your now narrative, now he cost 60+m & isn't being used right (shite).

That's jammy in a nutshell, spin whatever narratives to suit his barcaforum self-esteem.

Whether the board took 50 years or 40 or 30, is irrelevant, they were always gonna take the best deal on the table, point was that was the best route to sell the rights, it was that or sell everyone, which you wanted to do.

That's like saying, you wanna sell your house for 500k & your agent brings you an offer for 750k, ofc you take the better offer, point is you're gonna sell the house.


Senior Member

You held that we should have sold everyone, now a few months later to sound "right" on the same topic, it's let's keep them & add to them, can't have both, you just jump around on topics as per usual.

Torres went from being old 45m euros & great, go being apart of 2 wingers we paid 120m for that isn't being used right,to suit your now narrative, now he cost 60+m & isn't being used right (shite).

That's jammy in a nutshell, spin whatever narratives to suit his barcaforum self-esteem.

Whether the board took 50 years or 40 or 30, is irrelevant, they were always gonna take the best deal on the table, point was that was the best route to sell the rights, it was that or sell everyone, which you wanted to do.

That's like saying, you wanna sell your house for 500k & your agent brings you an offer for 750k, ofc you take the better offer, point is you're gonna sell the house.

Fake news.

Nope.. my 'sell everyone' argiment was even that was a better alternativ than the 50 year levers.

Was that my preferred action?

No at that point I said keep squad as is for another season and live under those LFP rules.

You wanted club to accept the 50 year deal.

When the club announced the 25 year deal on better terms my opinion was it could be worth it.. if made correct signings.

From there I wantd decisions to be taken with long term of club and not this idea of instant success at all times.

All in the thread.

Check it oot.


Senior Member
Some of us been watching him for months and you comment after a video goes up recently.

Colour me surprised.

Lol point being?

What was your opinion on him months ago? Lol

Plus no way were you watching him months ago, a few guys here were & you definitely weren't one of them.
Porque, Messi and the likes.

Still wasn't being gas by many then either, as evidence by him just getting his own trend.

A few months ago you were banging on about some Barca B kid, can't even remember his name now, says it all really.

I saw him play & immediately knew he was something special, that's ma boy


Senior Member
Lol point being?

What was your opinion on him months ago? Lol

Plus no way were you watching him months ago, a few guys here were & you definitely weren't one of them.
Porque, Messi and the likes.

Still wasn't being gas by many then either, as evidence by him just getting his own trend.

A few months ago you were banging on about some Barca B kid, can't even remember his name now, says it all really.

I saw him play & immediately knew he was something special, that's ma boy

I watched all the Barca Juv A games in European Youth Cup chief and as much of B team as can.

My opinion of him is irrelevant to point.. but I like him and as said before like Alacron at CF also and think Barbera should be out on loan soon and Alcaron at CF for B team if both stay.

Just like way someone becomes yer boy from a highlights video.

Tickled pink.


Senior Member
Fake news.

Nope.. my 'sell everyone' argiment was even that was a better alternativ than the 50 year levers.

Was that my preferred action?

No at that point I said keep squad as is for another season and live under those LFP rules.

You wanted club to accept the 50 year deal.

When the club announced the 25 year deal on better terms my opinion was it could be worth it.. if made correct signings.

From there I wantd decisions to be taken with long term of club and not this idea of instant success at all times.

All in the thread.

Check it oot.


Much like your narrative spinning on F. Torres

Folk don't under how good he is, that movement, doesn't cost 60m, only 45m.


I wanted Barcelona to sell the rights, it was the best option on the table, never changed my opinion on that, if I'm proven wrong on that so be it, being right on here doesn't give my life meaning.

I'm definitely right about it though, which is why the club went my way, taking the best deal on the table.


Senior Member
My opinion of him is irrelevant to point.. but I like him and as said before like Alacron at CF also and think Barbera should be out on loan soon and Alcaron at CF for B team if both stay.

Just like way someone becomes yer boy from a highlights video.

Tickled pink.

So basically Nothingness, figured.

Thats ma boi, like Balde.

Your boi is that B team guy no on can name.

But dongue was also boi lol, OMG I was wrong about something I said on a internet forum, I'm gonna run away now.


Senior Member

Much like your narrative spinning on F. Torres

Folk don't under how good he is, that movement, doesn't cost 60m, only 45m.


I wanted Barcelona to sell the rights, it was the best option on the table, never changed my opinion on that, if I'm proven wrong on that so be it, being right on here doesn't give my life meaning.

I'm definitely right about it though, which is why the club went my way, taking the best deal on the table.

Haha I thought Ferran would be better.... guilty as charged chief.

Also did say no point buying him to play as a wide winger but even then he hasnt been good enough.

No sellig the rights for 50 years on terms discussed at time was horrendous deal as Barca came out and said.. it would damage the club.

That is when it was argued about selling players... as even that would be better.. not desired option.

When the 25 year levers were on offer I said that is acceptable and they put forward good case for it.. if they made correct signings for future of club.... but that is when you were mouthing off about 'all businessmen' would choise that options or some shite... Then tried to change your argument when club disagreed with your nonsense.

You were 100% wrong on the 50 year levers and club said as much.



Senior Member
So basically Nothingness, figured.

Thats ma boi, like Balde.

Your boi is that B team guy no on can name.

But dongue was also boi lol, OMG I was wrong about something I said on a internet forum, I'm gonna run away now.

Yeah basically find it amsuing you chose someone you dont watch as yer 'boy' from a highlights video.

Nothing much.


Senior Member
Haha I thought Ferran would be better.... guilty as charged chief.

Also did say no point buying him to play as a wide winger but even then he hasnt been good enough.

No sellig the rights for 50 years on terms discussed at time was horrendous deal as Barca came out and said.. it would damage the club.

That is when it was argued about selling players... as even that would be better.. not desired option.

When the 25 year levers were on offer I said that is acceptable and they put forward good case for it.. if they made correct signings for future of club.

You were 100% wrong on the 50 year levers and club said as much.


Jammy as is narratives.

I was 100% right on club selling TV rights, which is exactly what they did, instead of foolishly doing a fire sale on all our best players, they took the best deal on the table.

You can keep spinning away about 50 years or even 125 years, what was pretty obvious is that we should sell the TV rights, best offer on the table.

You should work for fox news.


Senior Member
Jammy as is narratives.

I was 100% right on club selling TV rights, which is exactly what they did, instead of foolishly doing a fire sale on all our best players, they took the best deal on the table.

You can keep spinning away about 50 years or even 125 years, what was pretty obvious is that we should sell the TV rights, best offer on the table.

You should work for fox news.

Nope you were 100% incorrect on saying club should sell the tv rights for 50 years on terms discussed at that point.


Club agreed and rejected them as damaging.

Prior to club saying that you were all in on it being best course of action.

When the levers changed to 5 years on better terms it was a different discussion.

Thank fuck likes of you domt make decisions.


Senior Member
Yeah basically find it amsuing you chose someone you dont watch as yer 'boy' from a highlights video.

Nothing much.

Yea I got better things to do than watch U-18 football, no shame in saying that wtf lol.

I use to do that shit, with dongue & the likes, I'm a ground ass man with a real job, with real actual importance.

If you got it like that to be able to watch random youth games, good for you (you definitely don't, nor do you watch many youth games I might add).

I saw him with the youth champions league, if you not playing at least there I'm not seeing you.

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