So apparently term limits will happen now?
I don't wanna make this a political debate I really don't care that much, just kind of sick of the US "bringing peace to the world".
Even though that is true (in the case of Qatar) it is not what's eating counties such as Norway at present. Or the reason behind the hypocritical outrage against Blatter.
While I do agree with your sentiment that we (we being the US Government + Military Officials control panel) definitely take our role of "peace bringers" too far which in many ways perpetuates paranoia on both ends to keep the vicious circle going, the main underlying reason is that, overall, there is a lack of a legitimate international authority in diplomatic and conflict matters at the moment, so the US takes over by default in order to keep the system together.
Thus, since this is an international conspiracy that extended beyond INTERPOL jurisdiction and most importantly, since US currency was used, it has full legal and moral impetus to file suits and investigations.
Sorry if you don't agree with it and I don't like all of it, but it's better than what we've had in the past.
Norway will do just fine. Even then there's still a big estimated resource in Lofoten, Vesterålen and Sonja, more north-west in the country. Not started extracting petroleum there though because of possible environmental issues. Been a big political debate for a long time now.
I'm sorry too mate, but I'll agree when the US will start to also "bring peace" to countries and/or matters that don't involve billions$$$, Gas and Oil, there are plenty (dictatorships and massacres in poor african countries to give an example), yet they never go there for some reason, but fifa, irak and libya need democracy right away with massive fbi/interpol mobilisations ... yeah, not falling for it.
I'd rather not get into it since I really don't have anything against american people and don't wanna offend anyone, I just hate the US's blatant occupation politics, and to make it worst, we're asked to believe they're actually the good guys.
PS : Russia & Qatar are just as bad or worst, one does not absolve the other ofc.
We used to be. Then a dude named Reagan and his trickle down economic ponzi scheme came in the 80s and fucked it all up for the rest of the world so none taken, man. I could rant for days about how shitty America is at being the "good guys" and how easy it should be for us to do things right but man money fucks everything.
Puta Madrid exactly for this reason.
We used to be. Then a dude named Reagan and his trickle down economic ponzi scheme came in the 80s and fucked it all up for the rest of the world so none taken, man. I could rant for days about how shitty America is at being the "good guys" and how easy it should be for us to do things right but man money fucks everything.
Puta Madrid exactly for this reason.
So they tell you.
Norway's oil production has halved since 2000, while gas production will inevitably start declining at a tremendous rate by 2020 at the latest. The new fields will barely keep Norwegian output from declining even faster while costs per unit of output will soar. Propaganda can't affect geology I am afraid. That is why the "free world" is foaming at the mouth against countries such as Venezuela/Iraq/Iran and of course Russia. They won't let "democracy" loot their countries that easy. World politics, largely revolve around this issue, yet you fall for silly propaganda ploys such as the campaign against Blatter.
Tomorrow will be fun again. Apparently the US DoJ will tomorrow unseal the documents containing all the declarations and statements by Chuck Blazer regarding everything involving FIFA.
I await with heavy anticipation!![]()