Francesc "Tito" Vilanova


New member
what calls these two don't talk anymore since tito made pep leave the club

They're not as close as they used to be, but they have been in touch at least somewhat. Pep went to see Tito while they were both in New York.


New member
I refuse to take sides in any of the arguments because it will just blur my point but doesn't anybody find it scary for our future that while madrid(who probably already have a younger squad) are signing the best young players in spain we are selling our best young talent while chasing around a 29 year old player.
That for me is the tragedy of Barcelona right now.
Tito really needs to improve his management of youngsters. He's already made Thiago leave. Hope the same doesn't happen with other promising guys like Montoya.


Senior Member
Tito really needs to improve his management of youngsters. He's already made Thiago leave. Hope the same doesn't happen with other promising guys like Montoya.

Guys like Montoya who said he played more than expected.

Thiago did not do anything to warrant much more games last season, Cesc was better. The only reason to play him more would have been to up the contract clause really.


New member
I refuse to take sides in any of the arguments because it will just blur my point but doesn't anybody find it scary for our future that while madrid(who probably already have a younger squad) are signing the best young players in spain we are selling our best young talent while chasing around a 29 year old player.
That for me is the tragedy of Barcelona right now.

We've got Messi, the best player in his world in his prime. We also have possibly the future best player in the world in Neymar and he's only 21. Meanwhile Madrid have a Cristiano who is approaching 30 and may be past his best.

Personally I see Madrid losing the league by fifteen points and responding to Barca's superstar purchase of Neymar with a few safe purchases that might not even crack the first team and not being able to get someone like Falcao more as a sign that they can't compete at the moment. Of course things may change as the transfer window continues.


New member
Cesc was better last season people just totally dwell on any mistakes he makes and took anything good he did for granted.

He wasn't better, certainly not in the second half of the season. Thiago was great, especially in the second half of the season, when the important games are played.


Gotta hand it to Tito, he really exposed Thiago, never really like him too much, and there was always something wrong in him, something that I couldn't real put my finger on. Now that the Barcelona quitter has gone, hopefully we can return to our winning ways next season.

In Tito we trust. :worthy:
I agree with most of what you said.
Except the winning part.
I don't see us having a shot at champions league ( I do admit that I think favorites don't always win) and
also, la liga is gonna be really hard, especially when you realize madrid could build two quality starting squads with their players.
It might be really tough.
Knowing that no team has ever remained at the top for too long, it's not crazy to believe that are golden era is over for now.


New member
What important games did Thiago play great in?

When did he get a real chance? only one time if i remember right.

Which annoys me the most is that even if we sold Thiago we could have made so much more money out of him. Around 40k i guess this is just so bad management.


Professor Balthazar
I agree with most of what you said.
Except the winning part.
I don't see us having a shot at champions league ( I do admit that I think favorites don't always win) and
also, la liga is gonna be really hard, especially when you realize madrid could build two quality starting squads with their players.
It might be really tough.
Knowing that no team has ever remained at the top for too long, it's not crazy to believe that are golden era is over for now.

With Messi, Iniesta, Busquets and a properly used Cesc + Neymar we have a very very strong backbone - we just need to fix a couple of things that unfortunately Tito is not able to fix. But we need to get rid of Pedro and buy 2 defenders and reinforce our midfield with a utility box-to-box midfielder or start to play Song in that position.

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