
Is really Ribery as dislikable as he seems in the media? Well, he is no better on the pitch. Cnut.
What is that under his arm? :smiley_scared:
Absolutely not. Ribery has always been a Top-Pro at Bayern. He is loved by almost everyone..always in joke mood and laughing and joking around. Its the opposite on the pitch though, where his temper often too much and behaving immature.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/fo...rank-Ribery-slams-Manchester-United-boss.html
Is really Ribery as dislikable as he seems in the media? Well, he is no better on the pitch. Cnut.
What a load of BS really.Ribery struck me as a very self-centered, whinny, sour, boastful individual. It is always "me, me, me".
Seriously sounds like a spoilt brat. He really shouldn't be calling someone else a bad person, his off the field fanatics really make him seem stupid. You have to feel sorry for some managers who have to deal with egotistical footballers, antics from players like Ibra are laugh when you're a fan but imagine having to manage him.'His idea was that he did not care about names at all, you don't need stars, everybody had to prove themselves again.
Ribéry is just stupid. Extremely stupid. Hard to hate a guy like that. He'll alternate between likable moments (genuine remorse, joking mood etc) and cunt moments (whiny, self-important, vain, etc)
Honestly, a great reason to learn french is to enjoy hearing Ribéry speak it.
What is that under his arm? :smiley_scared:
So his retarded appearance
You have to feel sorry for some managers who have to deal with egotistical footballers
So his retarded appearance is not lying in this case?
What's wrong with his French? Is he trying to mimic the ghetto trash in the banlieues?
Care to elaborate?
No man, Ribéry... can't even describe it
I'll try with an infamous example.
There is a french expression, "la roue tourne" literally "the wheel turns" which basically means: life goes on and things change. It usually carries a positive meaning.
When Ribéry expressed his hopes that "the wheel will hopefully turn" he said instead "j'espère que la routourne va tourner", literally "I hope that the wheelturn will turn"
There are dozens of such instances![]()