Frenkie de Jong

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De Jong is DM though, isn't he? If he were signed he'd be Busquet's backup, not Rakitic's or Coutinho's like Rabiot would.

Edit: Seems he's pretty versatile, has played as a CB and a midfielder. However his natural role seems to be as a deep lying playmaker that helps out the two CBs in playing out from the back. Here's an article on his playstyle:

If De Jong were to come he wouldn't compete with Rabiot I believe.

You are right. He could replace Samper, and we will still get another CM. But I personally believe that we should not get two more CMs because we have got plenty, and we should understand that Semedo is going to start at RB, which means that we need to play Roberto as CM more often. I said a while back that I would not mind players such as Eriksen and Pjanić who could make a difference, but not Rabiot and FDJ. However, I still think that we should secure FDJ for next season.

I prefer we spend what we have got on an attacker, but that is just my opinion. For me, I would love Martial, but I cannot see that happening, unfortunately.


Senior Member
We are again trying to get him this summer. His price is 50m according to Sport.


If we don't plan on spending big for another midfielder after Arthur (i'm talking 100M+ for someone like Kante or Eriksen) i would still like FDJ a whole of a lot better than Rabiot. Although in a perfect world, we'd get someone like Kante now, and just lock down FDJ for next summer, that would also work more for Ajax, since they seem to really want to keep him for one more season, so we'd avoid clashing with them, which we will, if we'll want him this summer. But i would like another midfielder alongside Arthur this summer, so if it prevents us from blowing another 50M on a mediocre player like Rabiot, i would have no problem getting De Jong one year earlier and incorporate him into the team alongside Arthur now.


Well-known member
Our midfield (if we go for him and sell some players): Busquets, Rakitić, Coutinho, Arthur, Alenya, De Jong.

Is this what you want?


Senior Member
50M feels like alot.
And hes not really an AM is he?
But i would much rather have him than pay 80M for Willian.

Would rather we get a world class AM though.


Senior Member
I would pass on him, let him stay in Ajax and keep an eye on him. Ajax don't want to sell and we don't have immediate need for him, no need to overpay for him


Senior Member
We are again trying to get him this summer. His price is 50m according to Sport.


if we closed the door on a big name world class midfielder this summer and the options were left with are N'zonzi and Rabiot.. YES throw the 50mil at Ajax asap.


Wild Man of Borneo
Our midfield (if we go for him and sell some players): Busquets, Rakitić, Coutinho, Arthur, Alenya, De Jong.

Is this what you want?

If used correctly then this isn't bad at all in the short term and could be perfect in the long term. But that's where the problem lies, because Coutinho is unlikely to be used as a true midfielder by EV, pretty much a winger in the 4-4-2. And Busquets in a double pivot is horribly misused.

I also think at least one of Arthur or De Jong could prove to be valuable contributors even in their first season if they were given regular chances to prove themselves, which is also questionable.

I would pass on him, let him stay in Ajax and keep an eye on him. Ajax don't want to sell and we don't have immediate need for him, no need to overpay for him

I'd rather overpay for De Jong than Rabiot any day of the week. Especially when that means overpaying badly for a completely mediocre player, giving him outrageous wages, and doing PSG a favor that allows them to get Kante.

De Jong is far more worth the investment. Obviously a target like Kante or Thiago is the best case scenario but both of those are highly unlikely to happen.


Senior Member
I'd rather overpay for De Jong than Rabiot any day of the week. Especially when that means overpaying badly for a completely mediocre player, giving him outrageous wages, and doing PSG a favor that allows them to get Kante.

De Jong is far more worth the investment. Obviously a target like Kante or Thiago is the best case scenario but both of those are highly unlikely to happen.

Exactly what i meant. And you misunderstood me about the 50M, SeloBarca. I just said don't blow it on Rabiot a.k.a. another Gomes (will explain why down below), i didn't mean that we needed to pay 50M for De Jong, cause i don't think Ajax would sell as high as PSG, especially with the good relations that we have with eachother, even more so if we sent out a youth player or two on loan there as a bonus(Oriol and/or Samper and Munir first come to my mind), which could prove beneficial for us too, finally nailing it with a loan to a right team. While it's the exact opposite when it comes to out relations with PSG, they would squezze us as much as they could and with our 'negotiating skills' we wouldn't get him below 50M, even if he does have only 1 year contract remaining. As for De Jong's price, even if we did have to pay 50M for him in the end, i'd still rather spend it on him than Rabiot anyway.

So again, don't blow 50M on Rabiot and in the process do the 2nd worst club out there a big fat favour for their financial fair play, once again playing right into their hands. But it's also about the players. Rabiot is not that special, he isn't that good as an ''8'' and even less as a ''6''. He's kinda all over the place in midfield, just like Gomes. Only that with Rabiot it would be even worse, since he would expect to play all the time, since in his mind he would come in as the big star, the Iniesta replacement. Showing that mentality already with demanding 150k/per week from the very start (or he's just using us to get a pay rise from PSG, a money greeding cunt in any case). And then he would probably start throwing a temper tantrum the minute he wouldn't be playing regularly. Not to mention that he has only 1 year remaining on his contract, so theoretically he could be free to get in 6 months, if we really still wanted him. But even then i wouldn't take him, he's clearly got a bad attitude, supported by his entourage: his mother = Neymar's father 2.0., so i would see it as no surprise if he kept on pressuring the club for a new increase in wage regularly as the years go by, while not really feeling any real love for the club in the process.

While De Jong, not only is he 2 years younger and more talented and clearly also loves Barca, i also reckon we could get him more cheaply to begin with, for like 30-40M. I think Ajax are gonna ask more for De Ligt from whoever buys him (wish it would also be us, by the way, but probably won't happen, but like a 80M package double deal for them i wouldn't even blink twice before accepting it, especially if we locked them down now and leave them at Ajax for another year, which also works for them, since they want to keep them for another season).
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"> | [Sport] | Ajax sporting director Marc Overmars has finally opened the door to start talks with Barcelona over a potential transfer of Frenkie de Jong. Important members of the Barça board will travel to Amsterdam next week to negotiate the departure of the Dutch midfielder. <a href=""></a></p>— BarcaTimes (@BarcaTimes) <a href="">July 15, 2018</a></blockquote>
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