Frenkie de Jong

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Four coaches come & they have all preferred busquets at DM, much like 3/4 coaches cant be wrong about Puig the same logic applies to frankie at DM, if busquets was dutch he's probably be starting above him in that position their as well.

This false equivalency that xavi is choosing busquets over frankie at DM for anything but correct sporting reasons goes out the window when you realize every coach when give the chance between the two, makes the same choice.

He's making too much to be meh signing at best since he's been here, his performances does not justify his transfers fee & wages and that's the primary reason he's being sold.

Instead of people saying xavi, valverde, Keoman, setien, are all some kinda crazy to choose busquets over frankie at DM, how about they think & say why can't frankie dislog a old slow past it midfield from his starting position.

Busquets is getting older and slower and the point is about now and future as much as last four coaches across past five years.

Historically what coaches chose is not all that strong an argument.. they all chose Rakitic until they didnt, they all chose Suarez, they all choose Pique until now. That argument is not eternal and all players come to a point that end is there.

There is no false equivilancy at all... Xavi prefers current Busquets to be the man his midfield is built on. That is it. Whether folk agree or disgaree with that is another discussion.

For me Busi at sole DM has failed for years and Barca are stuck in past playing him there... but Xavi prefers him that is the point. Whether previous coaches did or not doesnt matter much to the point.

The primary reason he will leave is Xavis opinion of him in the team. The rest comes after that.

We are talking about Xavi who plays Busquets who can barely run in four of five home defeats that brought season to an end when he could barely run at times.. FDJ then plays DM and is Barcas best player as they win 3-1 and first thing he does after game is start saying how much missed Busquets. It is bizarre.

In terms of sloe DM I dont think FDJ is worth his salary and amortised cost but he is better in many ways than Busquets if that is the direct comparison.

Crazy is repeating the same thing year after year and expecting different results.... Busi at sole DM is failing massively in big games for years.

No other top team would have Busquets anywhere near their line up.

Barca players have had too much power for years. It is not easy to come in and just remove them. They have been chosing coaches for too long who dont have that power to come in and change team.

Quite believe the rumours that likes of ETH said he would look to rid the likes of Pique/Busi from team and board moved away from him as an option.
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Senior Member
pretty much this. also, busquets is still starting over rodri at NT level.

FDJ should go and fulfill his potential(if he really is that good) in the EPL. he has a manager there who is willing to build the midfield around him and the style of play probably suits him better.

Luis Enrique also loves Torres and has him as one of main men in his attack.

Luis Enrique also picks Eric Garcia.

Two players likes of you think are utter 'bums'.

All four of last Barca coaches that have played Busquets also played FDJ so that argument does not come down on either side.

Poor point from you.
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Couldn't give a shite if he stays or leaves but just hope it doesn't rumble on until the end of the transfer window.


Senior Member
If busquets is a bad DM & Frankie cannot dislog him across 4 coaches & what 4 seasons, then what does that say about him? No one has yet to answer that simple question.

Sure no one would take busquets over frankie from a different team, he's 33 yeats old, but if they were both on the same team, busquets would still start over him, that is a undeniable fact that 4 different coaches have shown us, even koeman who everyone thought would get the best out of de jong, started busquets at DM, that alone in itself tells you how poorly they think he plays there in comparison to an old & slow busquets and that says a hell of a lot about de jong if you think about it.

Busquets is the easy scrape goat, but if we look at it objectively, de jong has not shown enough quality to dislog him from his starting position, these are again just undeniable facts.

The only questions about De jong thatis worth asking having accepted that he's not better than busquets as a DM is,

1) can he play in a different position & excel, especially in a 4-3-3, the answer for that again is pretty clear after all the time he's been here. No.

2) is he sufficiently special to rebuild our entire time, not just midfield but team around him around him, change out entire setup? Again NO.

3) his he then worth the wages he's on? no.

4) can we find someone who fits what we are trying to do better than he does? Yes.

These are the questions that's the management team is probably asking themselves, which is why they are saying the only way he stays, is if he cut is wages, because he's being paid like the best midfielder on the planet & he's not even top 10.

This has nothing to do with his general quality, i think he will excel at Man utd or with the fact that we need a busquets replacement

Those are all seperate from the facts as they are now with de jong in the team.


Senior Member
The 'four coaches in played Busquets' is a poor argument.

Folk pick and choose when that is relevant and it is not an argument that lasts for any player.

That is like claiming FDJ is good enough at CM as four coaches chose him to play there or Rakitic was good enough every season as coaches played him.

Does that all coaches pick him get applied for MATS? Did it get applied for Roberto when coaches continuously chose him at RB? It doesnt.

Also..I dont even blame all coaches for playing Busi DM if that is their preferred formation in past. Example being season previous to last I argued against FDJ as sole DM as who plays CM then? Puig and a 17 year old Pedri? Same with prior to that.. move FDJ to sole DM who plays CM? Rakitic and Vidal? No I would rather Busi at DM and FDJ in CM than that back then.

Also Busi is five years older than he was under EV in 2017 and last season looked slower than ever.

The point is team now and for future more than arguing FDJ should have been sole DM for past three seasons as never claimed that is case and even last season said would sell him before paying money for him to play sole DM long term but he offers things Busquets cant last season if offering direct comparison.
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Senior Member
Better sell before he loses all his market value. I mean even now only Utd want to pay.

Can say same for other Barca players. Demebele is free but no club make a move. Same for others.


Senior Member
I agree. Not cool.

They should do the same for their pet project Pique. He can shove his two million salary to his butt.

With Pique it was a bit more personal. Like feeding off his separation from Shakira. Or hunting him down to see who he hangs with and making up like he is a party boy, that also has a negative effect on Puig.

Players are on vacation and they write about Pique going to the club. Who cares? It's not like he had a match or training the next day/week/month.
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