Frenkie de Jong

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Senior Member
Also selling because he can fetch a high market value. Like Semedo, Emerson and the likes before.

Barto probably threw the kitchen sink to get FdJ signing over the line ahead of PSG. With everything coming out now it is not outlandish that he has a wage spike that come into effect after his presidential term finished.

He wanted to pass the buck the the next board, but probably thought it would be manageable enough and didn't expect the Covid curveball to bring down his house of cards.

No these wages are based on the 2020 renegotiation due to covid. Prior to that his contract would have ended in couple seasons.

It is not about original contract when PSG chasing and by all accounts PSG offered more anyway.


Senior Member
New contract is same but with deferrals to get under the cap and finances at that point?

Or is it same wage but lengthened contract length to improve amortization?

The Catalan media are definitely angling public perception, but I suspect there is a degree of truth to what is coming out. Just not to the degree being portrayed nor the extremes.

Club looking to sell because there is an 80m carrott above Frenkie head and midfield is where we have the most talent and depth. Frenkie is expendable simply.
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Senior Member
New contract is same but with deferrals to get under the cap and finances at that point?

The Catalan media are definitely angling public perception, but I suspect there is a degree of truth to what is coming out. Just not to the degree being portrayed nor the extremes.

Club looking to sell because there is an 80m carrott above Frenkie head and midfield is where we have the most talent and depth. Frenkie is expendable simply.

New contract has him taking less in first few seasons to then get paid more in next four.

Not contract that is linked to PSG who offered more money.

He is too much on books for a player that Xavi prefers likes of Busi over but if he was a Xavi favourite like the old amigos it would be completely different situation.


Senior Member
He will be scapegoated badly if he goes down 3, and rightfully so IMO.
He knows the fat contract he is sitting on was signed by the previous administration and Laporta is introducing a 10m net wage cup to all squad members.
He can't be having it his own way.
If he really loves the club and wants to stay, he can downgrade to Ansu's, Pedri's (and Dembele's after the renewal) money and show that he wants to stay above all.

Plus, he won't be playing a lot (like Dembele) if he goes down that way. He was always the first Xavi was subbing out last term from the md, he knows the team does not need him that much
Fair enough. Let us first ensure that the captains of the club set an example by not only deferring wages, but also decrease them to a level that is on par with our financial situation.


Senior Member
Fair enough. Let us first ensure that the captains of the club set an example by not only deferring wages, but also decrease them to a level that is on par with our financial situation.

Nah Pique is supposedly due to get 80m across next couple seasons. Acts like a complete unprofessional buffoon with legs gone that cant compete at top level....but club come out and praise him and what a good guy he is as soon as there is negative press.

Same shit every season. Some story about amigos leaving as if it is really being considered to then come out in their defence and they have been 'told' this is last chance etc.


Senior Member
You are right on the dot, and I also feel that foreigners are singled out, when they are more important than our old grandpa players who are making a fortune and contributing less.

Leadership starts at the top. Do not ask Frenkie to take a pay cut when Busi, Pique or Alba wont do it (so far).


Senior Member
You are right on the dot, and I also feel that foreigners are singled out, when they are more important than our old grandpa players who are making a fortune and contributing less.

Leadership starts at the top. Do not ask Frenkie to take a pay cut when Busi, Pique or Alba wont do it (so far).

They dont want FDJ to take a pay cut. They want him to leave.

This is all part of the games from board.

If they want player to take a decrease in salary that would be the first action before they try to sell them.

Barca are negotiating to point they think have deal with United then start the argument that it is all about money after that.

Lets see if Pique and Busi give up 35% of their salaries.. two players no other decent club would touch with a barge pole.

More ruthless club would sack twats like Pique due to his behaviour and see him in court if that is road he wanted to go down.... Barca? they double down on telling everyone how great a guy and deflect with his annual 'last warning' story.
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Senior Member
Lol, they would have no problem keeping Frenkie if he takes a pay cut that is more indicative of his performances. It's basically a win win situation from the club. The player is neither great enough, nor poor, to have a losing scenario in either case. If he stays, the midfield gets stronger with what we had last season + Kessie. If he goes, we further improve our wage structure, and we can maybe bring in a new player, although not essential.

Bottom line, Frenkie is good, but massively overpaid in comparison to what he delivered. He's paid a lot of money and cost a fee that is typical of a world class player, and his performances didn't match the expectations.

But he is a young player yet to reach his prime, and he can always turn it around if he stays. It's not finished.
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Senior Member
Lol, they would have no problem keeping Frenkie if he takes a pay cut that is more indicative of his. It's basically a win win situation from the club. The player is neither great enough, nor poor, to have a losing scenario in either case. If he stays, the midfield gets stronger with what we had last season + Kessie. If he goes, we further improve our wage structure, and we can maybe bring in a new player, although not essential.

Bottom line, Frenkie is good, but massively overpaid in comparison to what he delivered. He's paid and cost a fee that is typical of a world class player, and his performances didn't match the expectations.



Senior Member
Lol, they would have no problem keeping Frenkie if he takes a pay cut that is more indicative of his. It's basically a win win situation from the club. The player is neither great enough, nor poor, to have a losing scenario in either case. If he stays, the midfield gets stronger with what we had last season + Kessie. If he goes, we further improve our wage structure, and we can maybe bring in a new player, although not essential.

Bottom line, Frenkie is good, but massively overpaid in comparison to what he delivered. He's paid and cost a fee that is typical of a world class player, and his performances didn't match the expectations.

If they wanted him to take a pay cut that would have been the first negotiation.

Folk are lapping up the usual nonsense if believe this is about money above all else.

The primary reason is Xavi not rating him ahead likes of Busi in midfield and would be completely different situation if that was not the case.

If it is about money they would be doing same with Pique/Busi and saving on wages for players no other team would take.

The cost on books of FDJ to point he will leave becomes the issue AFTER they dont rate him in squad ahead of Busi etc.
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Senior Member
The difference between Frenkie and the captains is that the latter group is near retirement, have no resale value, and can NOT go elsewhere to play football nor get transferred out, no team wants them.
Hence, they are bigger problem for the finances of the club as they are 'immovable'/

It's not that they rate him more than frenkie LOOOL
It's that they can't shift them


Senior Member
No one is claiming should try to sell the captains... no other decent club they would go to would pay a penny for them clearly.

Can try that one again.

Those players should be told that their time is up and to wont be starters at very least. If reject that than as said for likes of Pique... sack him and see if he takes it to court.

But no they do nothing but pander to the older players year after year. They dont want to get rid of them that is the reality.

The worst of the money on the books in terms of salaries and deferred payments due is Pique and Busi and that is the argument being put forward not potential transfer fee for anyone but salaries.
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Senior Member
No one is claiming should try to sell the captains... no other decent club they would go to would pay a penny for them clearly.

Can try that one again.

Those players should be told that their time is up and to wont be starters at very least. If reject that than as said for likes of Pique... sack him and see if he takes it to court.

But no they do nothing but pander to the older players year after year. They dont want to get rid of them that is the reality.

They can't just terminate their contracts without serious legal reason.
For the same reasons that It was sooo hard to move Umtiti and Lenglet.
Different case with Frenkie for whom a bunch of clubs are or could be interested

So, NO they don't want them, it's that they can't move them and they are trying to get them to reduce by employing the rhetoric of 'Barcelonism' and love for the club.


Senior Member
They can't just terminate their contracts without serious legal reason.
So, NO they don't want them, it's that they can't move them and they are trying to get them to reduce by employing the rhetoric of 'Barcelonism' and love for the club.

The way Pique behaves with making contracts with La Liga and unprofessional behaviour time and again would take chance on him fighting it and taking club to court but they wont.

That would be last resort after telling players their time is up, wont be starters and club cannot afford their salaries.

Club do want them. Busi is the man they want to build midfield around and Pique they do nothing but praise despite his utterly atrocious leadership skills and way he takes piss out of club constantly.


Senior Member
Yea let's sack a player with a valid contract.

The oldies can't be moved.

Frankie is a sellable asset, that doesn't offer enough to justify is salary.
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