Great, great play by Alves so far, Puig is playing very well as well. I don't know what Jutgla can offer on this level...
Lenglet...what an amateurHe has zero acceleration. Pulling back Boca's attacker's shirt, then just giving up and letting him go one on one with Neto. He's much much worse and slower than Bartra ever was. Thank god Garcia closed down and pushed the Boca attacker on to the side more, otherwise we'd be 0-1 down.
Alves and Puig both showing class in the first 2 minutes!
Barcelona as a whole finding nice angles and pressing well
Puig to Alves x2 and Alves assisting x2 but no one there to score, just a couple of steps slow on passes that looked good from Alves...
Neto is even worse than ter Stegen
I never understood why the goalkeeping coach survived all of the let's call it "restructurings in the sporting area".
Been at the club since 2012.