Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
Not sure if trolling but he is/was our 2nd captain, you know that, right? :lol:

Should rather show some of those balls (or well, rather brain) against Inter for example.

Clearly has much bigger personality than our pussified granny captain though, I'll give you that.

Acts the tough guy swearing at refs but when the pressure was actually on and there was big things at stake he crumbled as we've come to expect. Playing the hard man when just like the other members of the squad he didn't have the bottle when it mattered.

[MENTION=16942]BBZ8800[/MENTION] The only thing worse than a choirboy is a wannabe tough guy.


Senior Member
Are you sure those folks didn't do the same?
Because Pep declined many times to come back, including under Laporta, and even stalled contract renewal during his stint here in order to get what he wants. He prefers oil money and resources for himself and his brother on the club.

Puyol overstayed his welcome by 2 years, and retired when it was painful for him to even do daily activities like stairs and walking. He was basically forced in retirement by his doctors. Never mind several instances as agent in preferring to make his clients leave Barca

Xavi was on steep decline after 2011 season, remained starter for next 3 years, clashed with the coach, was happy with renewals, and only left after the club basically gave up on him and essentially wanted him to just walk by himself.

Iniesta accepted a "life time" contract by the club, and only left after he found himself on the bench.

The main difference between those folks and current ones is that they had several world class players to rely on and a stable club to make the scenes of them leaving look more glories.

Pique is a bit of a clown, but he gave up on money several times and was loyal to the club, and just before his predecessors he left only when the club basically forced him out. Only this time the club didn't have the stability to do it nicely.

Nice fabrication of reality to whitewash the most toxic Amigo

1) It's ridiculous to make such claim for Pep.
Pep left because the Rossel administration was not willing to back him in the way he wanted.
The rumors that surfaced years after he left point to the truth: he wanted a rebuild, with him holding the keys who goes and who leaves.
He had identified a malicious root in our dressing room with Pique, Fabregas, and Alves the first he wanted to get rid of
Had Pep stayed, the Amigo culture that destroyed the club would not have appeared at all

And it's totally ridiculous to claim he chose CIty because of oil money. He went to bayern first who have no oil money, and then to City only because the structure that he trusted under Laporta (Txiki and Soriano) have moved there and he knew it would be an ideal for him environment

2) Puyol was not a starter the last 2 years and was not a toxic force in the dressing room. On the contrary, he was an example of professionalism and leadership.
No comparison really

3) Not really.
He declined yes, but not steeply, and he left on his own when he saw that he doesn't offer the team what he should anymore.
The fact that Lucho convinced him to stay one final year is telling

4) Iniesta, like Xavi, left when he saw he can't offer to the team what he wants on the pitch.
He wasn't on the bench when he left dude, what are you talking about?
He left in 2018, and that season he was a starter under Valverde

5) WC players to cover? Xavi was replaced by Rakitic who had 2 good years and then he became a problem himself. Puyol was replaced by Mascherano who was finished shortly afterwards, and Iniesta was never replaced as Coutinho never arrived.
Don't know what you are talking about exactly.
And it's not only the 'on the pitch' situation, but the 'off the pitch' as well, where this toxic dude was embarrassing the club even more

6) We don't know if Pique gave up money actually. It was all talk from media, and the likeliest scenario is that it was all deferrals and no cuts.
The only real cut he was forced to make, was now the 30m left until next summer.
Then, he is morally objectionable because he renewed when he was already declined with an astronomic contract, a value out of the market, that no club could pay, and that was tying the hands of the club if they wanted to get rid of him, as no one would pay his wages
Of course, only an idiot like Barto could agree to that, but that makes him even more morally objectionable: he knew it, and he took advantage of it.
Like the many other times he tried to take advantage of the club for his personal benefits, like being involved the Super Copa, like trying to buy Barca Studios recently in exchange for a real wage cut.
Yup, you find such material in every move he makes

Yes, he was exceptional footballer in his prime, but it's a hubris to call this cunt a legend. He will NEVER become a Barca legend

PS: the fact that forum clowns like Mavolio agree with your post is not a compliment about your post really
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Senior Member
Piqu?: "Going out for dinner, having a drink, a gin and tonic until 02:00 a.m. is f*cking great. And the next day you train with a lot of intensity."

Tbh overperformed


Senior Member
Not trolling.
I meant on Busquets, Iniesta, Roberto and somewhat Messi.

Messi at least showed some rage here and there.
On the other hand, Iniesta and Busi would look at the ref with a puppy eyes and say: "but dear ref, it was not a red"

I would do the same on Pique's place, easily earning 6-12 Months ban, if needed.

It is worth it.

If you think Busi is bad wait until Alba is our captain next year. :lol:

Sure, everyone knows Iniesta is a quiet person and Messi is introverted so none of them had great captain attributes (Roberto is pretty irrelevant here as he was only captain in a few less important games when others were unavailable). But both also left when they were still playing on a respectable level (not as good as they were in their prime understandably) while Busi became captain when he was already underperforming for 3-4 years and he's as bland as a person as one can imagine. As a captain you should lead your team by example and you can't do that if you are constantly amongst the worst players on the pitch.

I also don't think what Pique did is a sign of a good captain. Sure, you need to stand up for your team when needed (and in his situation I understand why he did it) but at the same time you also have to be smart. If he would continue his career and still be a starter then it's not in your team best interest to get suspended for 4 or more games. Not for insulting the ref from the bench anyway that is unlikely to change much (if anything it will make things worse for your team). It's another thing if you get suspended for getting a red card for preventing opponent a clear goal scoring chance when you're up 1-0 for example.

What good captains do is they use their personality (you first need to have one though which our beloved current captain clearly doesn't) to impact the refs without needing to verbally attack them. Captains represent their teams so they have more freedom when talking to refs without risk of being booked (one job as a captain is also get to know your referees, especially those in league games that you face multiple times every year and know what you can say to them). They can express their displeasure with refs decisions (and at times those decisions actually happen not 40 minutes later at HT) and put pressure on them. That's what Puyol would do. But as a captain you also need to earn respect from not only your own team mates (which is most important ofc) but also opponents and refs. And I don't think Pique ever had much respect from refs because he never learned how to approach them the right way.


Well-known member
Speaking to Twitch streamer Ibai Llanos, Pique explained that he always planned to walk away when he was no longer a key player at the highest level and was already considering hanging up his boots. But that decision was ultimately delayed because the club still needed him to plug the gaps.

"Why retire in November? There are many reasons. People already know that I started the season with a conversation with Xavi, who told me that it was going to be difficult for him to play,” Pique said.

"The feelings from the beginning were not the best in general and I saw that the break was an opportunity to have that decision. I have always I said that when I was not important I would leave. If there had been no injuries in my position, I would have left before".

"I no longer felt as I felt before. There was a day training at Camp Nou after a game in which I was about to say 'I'm leaving now'. I saw that it was no longer my place. When [other players] started to get injured, I said 'I can't leave the team'. That's why I set the break of the World Cup.”


Senior Member
He is on damage limitation and trying to rewrite hisory to help his chances at club in future.

Dont believe for a second he has given up the money club was due him this season either.

At best he has given up the remainder of this season only and will be getting the full deferred salary other than that.


Well-known member
I'm nowhere near the illusion Pique just threw away 20-25 million remaining salary just for Barca's sake. More likely they agreed on different schemes with Laporta how to compensate Gerard. Still whatever the money due it has to be legal payments as La Liga is watching. Could be in the form of veteran pension or whatever some clubs apply worldwide.


Senior Member
Well if he has retired then the rest of the current deal won't be paid.

But obviously the deferrals will have to settled one way or another. And they probably haven't gone to the negotiating table for that yet.

But being retired now, I reckon they will work out a scheme which is a loophole in regards to it entering the salary cap.


Senior Member
Piqu?: "We had just won the treble, there was still a La Liga match left... And Pep told me 'Do not go out the night before the game!'"

Now sneakily trying to take a dig on Pep

You see people why this dude is the most toxic scumbag the club ever had?
You see why he was part of the reason why Pep left?

And some have the audacity to call him a legend

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