Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
Proof of concept phase. There's nothing spectacular about this right apart from Pique name attached and a few hokey rules.

But I'm going to say it now though, the whole thing has a potentially huge future. Because you are creating a football system that exists outside of FIFA by changing the configurations to something FIFA don't use.

I wanted to do something very very similar (perhaps the source of my bitterness :lol:) over a decade ago in Indonesia.

So think of the Kings League and the Super League. Super League is dead right? But now imagine when Kings League gets traction and massive funding. What's to stop Pique at that stage going "ok we're going to switch to 11 aside". Then later on "FC Barcelona have bought a franchise spot In the Kings League."

You see where this is can go ;)


Well-known member
It's doomed venture, only big for Pique, who's name attracts some sponsorship.

Went quick through the 7 hour video of the matches on Twitch. It's laughable quality of football, people out of shape, empty stands. The typical Saturday local futsal event, with 7 instead of 5 players, some whacky video game rules. For those interested in more goals and shorter action there's futsal.


Active member
They are paying for everything. Media, Twitch streambots and fake counter for finals ticket sales

It will be like a typical tout event where it is sold out because the promoter buys the tickets and then they are redistributed for free if they can't be resold.

I can't see any other way that shitty thing is as "popular" as they are making it out to be.

TikTok is popular in these current times. Just saying. People are stupid asf nowadays.


Well-known member
On the best player in the world: "As a striker and for various reasons I would say Messi. He is the best in the world right now and I think he is the best ever in this game among those who won the World Cup. It was his dream."

"Iker Casillas, Carles Puyol and Cesc F?bregas" were his choices for the best goalkeeper, defender and midfielder.

On the eternal debate: Messi or Cristiano: "It is true that the fight between the two of them in the last decade was quite impressive, because both of them did incredibly well. In recent years I would choose Messi for sure. And he showed that even at 35 he can compete. He is the best player in the world and he showed it in the World Cup."

Not congratulating Messi: "Not really. My last few months were hard and I needed to disconnect. I didn't watch any World Cup games, just the final and not the whole game."


Senior Member
Not congratulating Messi: "Not really. My last few months were hard and I needed to disconnect. I didn't watch any World Cup games, just the final and not the whole game.

Lol, he couldn't come up with anything better? Don't need to watch games, he knew Messi won and as his ex team mate and (former) friend should just send him a message or something. Don't think Messi would take it as honest so probably better he didn't pretend and send it anyway.

Really sad to see how bad or nonexistent relationship between them is these days.
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Well-known member
There is some level of indifference certainly. Pique's stoneface during Leo's final press conference as Barca player felt weird.


Staff member
There is some level of indifference certainly. Pique's stoneface during Leo's final press conference as Barca player felt weird.

We don't know anything. There's a player we see on the pitch and someone else entirely as a person away from the cameras.

For all we know both could be dicks or greatest persons ever.


Senior Member
Lol, he couldn't come up with anything better? Don't need to watch games, he knew Messi won and as his ex team mate and (former) friend should just send him a message or something. Don't think Messi would take it as honest so probably better he didn't pretend and send it anyway.

Really sad to see how bad or nonexistent relationship between them is these days.


Obviously he knows he said he watches the finals. He is just not a stan like other Messi fan boys.

Why would pique watch a random Argentina game?


He strikes me as someone not very bright, I still don't get why he would break up his family, he had two sons a wife a family and he broke it up to get his little guy wet, I just don't get why people do this.


Staff member
He strikes me as someone not very bright, I still don't get why he would break up his family, he had two sons a wife a family and he broke it up to get his little guy wet, I just don't get why people do this.

Because he got fed up with his old hag of a gypsy wife. Surprised he held so long being a regular Chad.


Staff member
Speaking in an interview with RAC1, former Barcelona captain and club legend Gerard Pique opened up on his decision to retire from football earlier this season.

The 36-year-old decided to call time on his career at Spotify Camp Nou in November last year after he had been relegated to the status of a squad player this term under Xavi Hernandez.

The move still came as a big surprise to many as Pique decided to walk away in the middle of a season. During the interview, the former Barcelona defender explained his decision to retire, saying:

?I finished for a number of reasons. I didn?t feel as important as I had felt at other times and that didn?t make me feel good. I won?t go into whether I felt cheated by anyone. I think I earned to choose my end, it happened and I?m happy with that.

Pique believes that it was the right call for him on a personal level as well as for the team and has no regrets.

?It was the healthiest thing for me, for the people, for the team. In the end, when you see that the role is not the same, it?s harder for you. And when you don?t play every three days the dynamics are not the same. I made a considered decision, even if it seems like it was made in the heat of the moment, and I don?t regret it. It was the right decision.?

When quizzed if he missed playing for Barcelona, the former defender replied: ?I don?t miss playing football, now I realise what I?ve missed. I see Bar?a, but I don?t miss it.?

The Barcelona legend also spoke out on his relationship with club president Joan Laporta, saying: ?It?s not that it has got better or worse, in the end, when you have people above you like the coach or the president, it makes you have better or worse moments. I am a very easygoing person.

?I knew that I was closing a stage, that I was leaving, and from there, I have always had a very good relationship with Laporta, and it was logical to continue in the same way. I hope he will be at the Kings? League final, the Camp Nou is his home.?

Also talking about how well the team was doing under Barcelona, Pique added: ?They are very good, conceding very little, beating Depor and Atl?tico?s records.

?If they win the league, I haven?t thought about whether I would go to the celebrations. Being part of the team at the beginning of the season means that I know a large part of the dressing room. The other day they had a team dinner and I decided not to go. When you decide to step aside, you have to be consistent.?


You're welcome
I can see how hee didn?t go to that team dinner. But he should be there when Barca win the league.

Yes, I said when instead of if.

El gato to bookmark this post just in case

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