Gerard Piqué


Problem with Pique is he's physically very weak, and gets bullied off the ball too easily. Look at Kompany for example, he could eat Pique for breakfast.


Senior Member
Lost SO many duels 1v1. Lost his marking and got tunneled on the goal.
Had to do alot of gliding tackles becouse he got behind on many occasions.


New member
Not his best game, but he he was good overall.
Recovered some crucial balls (11). He made 2 mistakes, including 1 that lead to the goal (although in that play the whole defense was OFF)


Senior Member
This guy is liability, one game he is good and 3 games he is shit , but he is as slow as a turtle and physically week he loses every
1 on 1 situation , to me cant trust this guy defending at all...


I honestly can't believe some posters here on this board, I baven't commented on Pique for months now, but reading some stuff here is depressing. The guy would not make the 1st line up in most la liga clubs, yet people here praise him even after awful performances.. but I guess this is how low we came now, since we don't even have 1 decent defender, so Pique must look good even now. Maybe go check some other matches tho and see how real defending is done.

No wonder we are struggling lately, when people don't realize the problems the club has = defence. If not for Valdes we would be way behind now in La Liga, these are just facts.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Hmm.. I thought he did okay. He did get out worked a few times but managed to make up for it with some key tackles and clearances of his own. I'm not a Pique apologist like I once was, but I'm also not going to set impossible expectations for him either. Every defender makes mistakes, it's managing those mistakes and bouncing back and keeping everyone on their toes, which he does for the most part these days. He's alright.


Hmm.. I thought he did okay. He did get out worked a few times but managed to make up for it with some key tackles and clearances of his own. I'm not a Pique apologist like I once was, but I'm also not going to set impossible expectations for him either. Every defender makes mistakes, it's managing those mistakes and bouncing back and keeping everyone on their toes, which he does for the most part these days. He's alright.

But is he Barca material alright? lets face facts, Pique is nowhere near as good as he was years ago. Also what do you think is the difference between Barca few years ago ( dominant force ), and Barca now ( 7-0 against Bayern )? I think that is quite a good question..
Goalkeeper? Valdes is still Valdes, no big difference.
Attack? Messi is even better than he was then, Neymar is very good and a big talent, sanchez this season has been smoking, good subs too with pedro and tello and such..
Midfield? No big difference here, Busquets is better, Iniesta still kicks ass, Xavi might not be the player he was but he is still controling the game and having nice matches from time to time, addition of Cesc...
Defence?... well now we are getting somewhere.. Honestly, would our defence with prime Puyol, Abidal, better Pique and better Alves get buttr*ped by bayern with 7 goals in 2 matches... never.

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