Gerard Piqué


San Claudio Bravo
Robben emasculated both Pique and Ramos. That was some awful CB play today. Van Persie did a number on them too.


Wild Man of Borneo
In some way lucky for him, Ramos was even worse than he was tonight.

But goddamn, he was so bad. The control of the game was lost in midfield but Pique failed in a majority of defensive situations. He got wrecked in a 1v1 by Robben, had the positioning of a vegetable to leave Van Persie onside, several lazy clearances that fell back to Holland's attackers, and generally fucked up in most of the actions he committed.

No CB could've stopped the massacre, but he just clowned out most of the time when called upon. You can't say he's responsible for the defeat but he is entirely culpable for his numerous errors. He really took a shitter, so he better play with a clear head for the rest of the tournament.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He looked like a total amateur today... He fell for the most obvious of feints every single time...

To be fair, I'm surprised because he had a good season for us...

Those who say the midfield let them down, do you thing a certain player with number 8 on his shirt has something to do with it once again?

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