Gerard Piqué


Culé de Celestial Empire
Happy Birthday Pique! The future president of FCB!

Didn't realize he is that old already. We need younger CBs. :p
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Senior Member
Pique is having a go at COPE on twitter. :lol:


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Senior Member
Translations for his tweets to us non-Spanish speakers? :)
The one on the bottom is Pique pretty much saying (Note this is a rough Translation).

and in which restaurant dined neymar jr Madrid? Incidentally, the other when it takes tittle statement.

He's taking a Jab at one of the COPE Journalists who said some dumb crap about how Neymar Dined in Madrid a couple of weeks ago and in reality it wasn't.

The Top one was Pique saying the Last time he was in Madrid was on November 21st during the classico. :lol: after Cope tried to bait him.

(Yeah spanish isn't my strong suit obviously).


I'm sorry but I'm sure he wasn't there. The last time he was in Madrid was the 21st of November (Day of el clasico hehehehe). Good night!

And in what restaurant did he (neymar) allegedly have dinner?


Senior Member
Funny part is COPE never reveled which restaurant Neymar and his father "Supposedly' dined at.

It was Shoddy Journalism at it's finest by a well known Madridista Mano Lama to try to push the Narrative that Neymar wants Madrid. he got called out by Neymar himself and he had to say sorry.

Better Explanation.

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Previously known as Mehssi
It's always Tatel, Neymar was there, PSG's cheikh was there with Mendes about Cristiano etc etc .. :lol:

Journalism has reaaaally took a big dive in quality since the avent of internet :(


The Culest
Man its delicious to see the desperation of Madridistas in sparking their delusions of Neymar wanting to go to Madrid. Hope they keep waiting for Neymar and don't sign any good players


Previously known as Mehssi
Every media is relying that supposed "Hala Madrid" whatsapp of Neymar without even a screenshot or even just a quote from the guy that freaking received it !

Unbelievable :puke:

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