Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
His positioning and concentration are off. He was never the fastest in the world but when he's at his best he reads the game well and neutralises potential threats quickly.


Senior Member
He looks Suarez-levels of done. The lad is in a tremendeous decline.

I am a bit skeptical about his whole situation
On one hand:
30 or 31 is still fairly young for a CB, he lost his form before and has rebounded.
On the other hand Barca isn't really friendly with CB , I mean how many CB has continued as starters at the age of 32 here? could argue about Puyol until his injury before 2012 Euro, but that's it. Mascherano played fairly a lot of games last year at the age of 32, but is Pique taking care of his body as good as the Argentinian? also he is a bit of an early bloomer which at some times affect players at older age.
But there is was a lot of rumors that there is personal issues in his life, if this is the case and things got sorted he could rebound from this things.

Overall, I want a new CB that can be starter if needed as soon as next summer. starting to like Unai Nunez from Bilbao and want to follow him more, Mina is coming too. Just hope we won't get relaxed and sign Mina and someone else who is just good enough to be on the bench


Senior Member
I think we have been fortunate that Pique hasn't suffered some bad injuries like Puyol has so far.

But at this moment I don't know what the hell's wrong with him. He's always been slow to get going once the season starts but it's almost November and he hasn't showed that improvement yet in his form and it's pretty worrying to say the least.

Is it Physical decline? off field personal issues? Catalan Politics affecting him? combination of all three? either way I hope he really gets his act together and if not we really do need a younger RCB. Mascherano is approaching the twilight of his career and there's rumors he will leave us at the end of the season. and a aging Verm whose left footed and injury prone and could be out the door in January himself.

I thought we had the CB situation looking good with Marlon and even Yerry, but it turns out I was wrong as we sent Marlon on loan and Yerry won't come until January the earliest with Summer more than likely being him joining than January.

We are not in a great spot right now as we once were with the CBs. even worse that Pique is either in permanent decline or way off form right now.


Senior Member
He looks Suarez-levels of done. The lad is in a tremendeous decline.

sad to say I agree.. i think its time a few players moved on next summer

we have alot of rebuilding to do. Suarez replacement, competition for Pique as i don't see him ever leaving, our midfield is an average mess, grandpa Iniesta still starting, what a nightmare
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Active member
God is he consistently terrible these days. Him raki and suarez are more consistent at being shit than messi is in being goat.


Senior Member
99% of the posters here haven't seen Mina play bar youtube and maybe one or two Colombia games so take that with a grain of salt
or a them thinking the grass is always greener in the other side.

Well Mascherano and Umtiti can be our starters. Pique can play against the weaker sides. Lucho had the balls to bench him and Pique improved dramatically. He's always been a distracted sort. His best work was with Puyol who kept him focussed. 30 years old is supposed to be peak for a CB.

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