Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
He's been getting a lot of yellow cards this season.

Some of them seemed unnecessary, either due to shirt pulling or mouthing off to the ref or some shit.


Senior Member
Staff member
Pique with his phone at the moment



Senior Member
Pique has zero leadership and showing it again.

Shitting the bed and passing back to MATS any time a player within 10 yds of him.

Nothing but an arrogant mouthpiece.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
What the hell is this "offering" to leave? Just do it!

Then saying he is feeling shame, seriously? After four seasons of being humiliated in CL just now he feels shame?


Senior Member
Pique deflecting big time.

He is right that club from top needs changes but he ignores that the biggest error been made has been indulging the likes if him and his shitty, arrogant attitude.

Leave Pique. Nothing but a mouth piece.


Pique: "Horrible game, a terrible feeling. Shame is the word. You can't compete like that, it's not the first, second or third time. I hope it'll help. It's very hard. Let's all reflect. The club needs changes and I'm not talking about the coach or the players, I don't want to point fingers. I think the club needs changes of all kinds. No one is indispensable. I'm the first one who offered to leave, to leave, because I think that now we've touched the bottom. I think we all have to look and reflect internally on what's best for the club, for Barca, which is what's important."


Yes, Pique. Time to go.

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