I never liked Villa. Hope he has a good season here.
What? what wasn't there to like? He's been scoring 20+ goals every season since his sporting days. Lol is it because of his habit to bag a couple every time he played us? No seriously Villa is amazing.
You are not supposed to like everyone who score 20+ every season, are you?! I dunno what is it, maybe some bitter memories of him I have in my head. There are some players that you just can't stand you know, for whatever reasons. I was never a fan of him and I didn't feel anything when he joined Barca. Well it's different now cause he's a Barca player. Gotta start to put the bitterness aside if he start to perform well.
Haha no I just didn't see anything unlikeable about him, he's not arrogant or a douchebag, he's amazing, and he's just a pleasure to watch. But I understand he was a pain in the ass when he played against us, just ask Valdes lol
I never liked Villa. Hope he has a good season here.
Messi 40 + Villa 30 = 70 already!