Someone mentioned earlier in this thread, or another, that Afellay is a "keita-like" player. That seriously made me lol.
Afellay has more creativity and vision in his right toe than Keita has in his entire body. Keita is a workhorse you unleash only against certain teams where it is imperitive that their midfield gets disrupted. The only reason why Keita is on this team (and Mascherano doesn't take his role and share a defensive one with Sergi) is b/c of his height. Afellay offers much more, along with a high workrate as well.
Most said he was merely a "winger" option and mocked me when I said he'd be in the midfield with Xavi/Iniesta....Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
Some are also saying Thiago is a much better player and will replace Xavi one day. Actually, no. Thiago is much more like Iniesta than Xavi....and Afellay is actually a lot more like Xavi. I don't see Afellay as a threat to Thiago at all, however I do see him as being a major threat to Cesc. Honestly I think Cesc missed the boat last summer and he's going to regret it for the rest of his life.
We couldn't have signed a better player for 3 million- he's worth 10 fold.
How dare you insult Seydou, leave
EDIT: There is a person called Jordi viewing this forum,