Iker Casillas



no reason for iker to start. if anyone has earned a spot its Diego.

i agree with wolfe.


New member
But Iker is a living legend.. He is captain and club icon. How is it possible that he played for like 12 years and suddenly is put on the bench? And I know he isn't in the greatest form and that Diego Lopez is good too. I think Iker should be trusted and when he is trusted he will prove his talents.


Active member
So it's fair for Lopez who earned his place there with briliant performances to just bench him because Casillas is a club icon? I'm sure every of the fans admire him for what he's done for Madrid but he has been bad last season and Lopez wasn't just good, he stepped up and was one of the best goalkeepers. Right now it's what matters, and right now you can't bench Lopez with the excuse that Casillas is the captain and a club icon, he needs to prove that he's better to earn his place.
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President of FC Barcelona
Why bench Lopez when he last season was one of the best keepers in the world?

He was absolutely awesome last season and hence deserve his place!


I think we'll see them rotate which is fine by me. Iker will prove everyone why he's the best.
Carlo has guts, I give him that. But choosing Diego was more to establish his authority imo. If he picked Iker, everyone would have immediately thought that's now it's gonna be now - Diego on the bench, Iker back in goal. This way he introduced rotations and whoever performs better will keep the spot.


This guy is way to hot to sit on the bench. Either play him or sell him ffs


He's not gonna want to sit much longer. This is a WC year. If he doesn't get enough playing time, problems might arise.

El Gato

Laughable how everyone's using "this guy's too good to sit on the bench" or "he is an icon, you can't treat him like this" arguments. Every keeper is replaceable if the right competition comes around. Iker likes his starting too much? Too bad. Time to start playing like it every time you're out there, even if you haven't played for a long while. Somehow Diego did it right off the bat when he came from Sevilla. Why can't the almighty Santo Subito do it?

There is nothing worse than players, or fans, who believe they should be played because of "what they've done for this club". It's so unfair on the competing players, it's unreal. Get your shit together and perform. Simple.

Moreover, there is news that Casillas was annoyed over not being selected and warmed up with Tomas Mejias instead of the usual reserve-starter warmup with Diego Lopez. What a great sportsmanship right there!

Reaction worthy of a captain.
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I'd be pissed too. He's had a good ConCup, good preseason and he gets to play the Bernabeu Trophy. Wow. Must feel great.
You're assuming he's not performing well. But he's been doing a great job every time he's been on.
Anyways, I expect him to fight for his position and once he regains it no one will be able to pin it to his "club status". It'll be because he's earned it. If rotations are what's gonna bring the best out of him, then so be it.

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