Ivan Rakitić


Senior Member
when I see him playing he reminds me this


God Serena

New member
Time start brainstorming how to line up in the return leg without Rakitic starting... now.

Fati Griez Messi

Arthur De Jong ????

Alba (Please) Umtiti Pique Semedo

My picks for ???? are: Roberto, Qique himself, and I guess... Puig? I guess Lenglet won't be doing anything, maybe we should use him or Pique as pivot...

Haha look at the state of our squad.


Senior Member
Not even good enough to be a squad player either.

There's nothing about him that he could even provide use for us anymore. His main strengths have deteriorated and all we have left is a guy who thinks he deserves a starting spot and a contract extension while not having anything to back it up with anymore.

Yeah "I'm in the best shape of my career" my fucking ass. Guy plays like a 60-year-old man who is in badly need of a hip replacement.


Senior Member
He is just shit. He is slow with ball, with possesion...Does not do anything good in defence.

Just sell him or leave him on the bench for the rest of contract.

And he is big pussy.Club told him that he need to leave he didnt leave and now plays like shit and cry in the media.


Senior Member
At this point I've gone past bothering to criticise rakitic. I criticised before because I thought there was more in him, it was kind of a compliment. Now after this season it's clear there's nothing left for him here. He'll start the home leg vs Napoli due to Vidal and Busquets being out so that can be his swansong because if we advance I really don't want to see him starting again.


Senior Member
I have seen a tweet yesterday saying "We are wasting FDJ so Rakitic can play like he's Pirlo" after the first half where FDJ had like only 20 passes while Rakitic had much more responsibility.

Ridiculous really and not even shocking. Not sure if that's due to instructions or Rakitic playing for himself at the expense of the team.


I have seen a tweet yesterday saying "We are wasting FDJ so Rakitic can play like he's Pirlo" after the first half where FDJ had like only 20 passes while Rakitic had much more responsibility.

Ridiculous really and not even shocking. Not sure if that's due to instructions or Rakitic playing for himself at the expense of the team.

Would be the icing on the cake if Rakitic was played as a DM instead of FDJ in the return leg. Remember that EV did this atleast once.

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